Nerf RapidStrike CS-18 mod using an Arduino and LiPo battery upgrade to rain foamy annoyance upon one's enemies.
The name originally came from my initial idea to use a pair of NSR Shark 40krpm motors, originally for 12V slot car racing. It quickly became a reference to Randall Munroe's [XKCD comic about lowering one's standards for success as a project wears on...]
This project has undergone a number of major and minor redesigns, and my documentation isn't exactly the best, especially for earlier versions where I assumed this would be a quick hack involving relatively little electronics knowledge (oh, to be 3 years younger and less naive...).
Mark I
Completed build
Used slightly larger motors: 24mm 12V 12850rpm [PAN14EE12AA1]
Covered cut-outs for above with some horribly done epoxy work
4S LiPo battery (14.8V nominal)
Flywheels ran directly off battery voltage
Rate of fire controlled via diodes (1N5209's?) in series
Segmented LED display only showed battery voltage.
Extremely noisy, had jamming issues especially at higher ROF
Very clumsy controls (giant knob on the side for ROF)
Overall, kinda crappy prototype
Mark II
Never finished build
Originally going to be 2S LiPo based
Proved too noisy for reasonable use
Mark III
Completed build
Same [PAN14EE12AA1] as in Mark I
Used heat gun to deform plastic to accomodate motors
4S LiPo battery (14.8V nominal)
Flywheels again directly off line voltage
Rate of fire controlled via stupidly big linear regulator (LM335, then LT1083)
Custom PCB from OSHPark for speed controller
Actually bothered to paint this one
Slightly better slide switch for ROF control
Added pushbutton laser "sight" because reasons
First attempt at ammo counter using SparkFun Pro Mini 5V to drive a 2 digit segmented display
Detected shots at first using IR LED & photodiode, but was too noisy so went to reed switch
Button panel for fiddling with/resetting counter
Counter was awesome but proved very unreliable in practice
Noticable voltage drop-out during flywheel spin-up
Mark IV
Work in progess
Skipping paint job to make this one a "sleeper" model
Motors unselected but will be 130 Mabuchi form-factor to fit in existing case with little modification
Will feature two proper H-bridges, the [Pololu VNH5019 Motor Driver Carrier]
Since the H-bridges will be electronically controlled, switched to subminiature microswitches hooked up to uC (instead of giant 15A microswitches directly flipping current around)
[Adafruit Metro Mini] as main controller
OLED display (either SparkFun Microview or Ye Olde Generic From Ebay)
IR interrupter for dart firing detection confirmation, in combination with mechanical position detection for the dart pusher.
Whole slew of small custom PCB's to aid in wiring
- AVR C code (basically, everything under the firmware directory) is licensed under the GPLv2.0.
- Everything else is Creative Commons 4.0, Attribution-Share-Sharealike (CC-4.0-BY-SA)
I would not be nearly as far along (or in the ICU from exploding batteries) if not for the help and previous work & knowledge of [torukmakto4]; read some of the linked posts below for a good breakdown of the basic fire control circuit in the RapidStrike.
I also would like to thank the folks from Blastersmiths UK for their information shared on [Diaries of a Nerf Armorurer], as it both provided inspiration, guidance, and a lot of helpful pictures for this project.
[The Dart Zone: Wiring and electrical practices] [The Dart Zone: Standard Rapidstrike, an Illustrated Guide] [The Dart Zone: Why compensating for resistance using additional voltage is bad design] [Diaries of a Nerf Armourer: 'Sharked' Rapidstrike CS-18 - Raja and Triakis] [Diaries of a Nerf Armourer: NSR Shark 40 Necrospy] [Diaries of a Nerf Armourer: Rapidstrike Modification Guide]