This is a little web application that does one thing: It keeps score.
It was designed and built to run on your mobile device.
- Keep score with swipe gestures
- Uses Full-Screen API where possible
- UpDown mode enables users to share the app on a single device
- Reset
- Time clock
- Configure team names
MVP V1 = Keep Score on one device <==YOU ARE HERE
V2 = Show round stats after round
V3 = Allow others to watch live (Scoreboard)
BHAG = Conquer the world of amateur sporting/gaming scorekeeping
This app is built using
- Jekyll:
- Sass:
- jQuery:
- jQuery Mobile Events Plugin:
To get it running locally (Starting from nothing but a terminal, but you need ruby installed for your platform):
- Clone the repo somewhere
- Open up a terminal
- Navigate to the repo root
gem install jekyll
If you don't have jekyll yet (skip this step if you do).jekyll serve
- Go to localhost:4000/score/ in a browser.