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这个组件从BestWay组件改造而来,支持威能壁挂炉通过威精灵VSmart Pro温控器接入HA,可以控制地暖温度和生活热水温度,还可以查看当前水温,威能API返回的数据比较多,更多的数据集成等我有空再说,也欢迎大家提PR。


你需要确定你使用的是威能威精灵VSmart Pro温控器,下载并安装威管家(iOS)或者威能+(Android),并注册账号。请注意,如果你使用中国手机号注册账号,在HA集成的配置过程中,用户名请输入 +86手机号 (前缀必须有+86),API Location选择 CN ,才能顺利登录。其他国家的威能API需要有当地用户帮忙抓包。

威精灵API域名的DNS配置有问题,v6请求会返回SERVFAIL,可能会造成HA无法连接威精灵API,如果遇到提示,"Can't connect to VSmart API“,请在HA的/etc/hosts里加入一行



This integration is delivered as a HACS custom repository.

  1. Download and install HACS.
  2. Add a custom repository in HACS. You will need to enter the URL of this repository when prompted:


Ensure you can control your device using the VSmart mobile app. At time of writing, there was also a Lay-Z-Spa branded app, but despite this being the recommended app in the installation manual, the spa could not be added. The VSmart app worked flawlessly.

  • Go to Configuration > Devices & Services > Add Integration, then find VSmart in the list.
  • Enter your VSmart username and password when prompted.

Update speed

Any changes made to the spa settings via the VSmart app or physical controls can take a short amount of time to be reflected in Home Assistant. This delay is typically under 30 seconds, but can sometimes extend to a few minutes.

Improvement ideas

Achieve faster (or even local) updates.

  • Capture more traffic from the mobile app to work out how it receives updates so quickly.
  • The integration currently has to poll, but the mobile app is able to reflect changes based on physical button presses on the Spa within a fraction of a second.
  • A brief recent attempt suggested that the Android app may have certificate pinning enabled, making this slightly harder than expected. Perhaps decompilation is an easier route.
  • We know the spa talks directly to the cloud using MQTT. Traffic captures against the Android app appeared to show only HTTPS traffic.



If you want to contribute to this please read the Contribution Guidelines.

#威能VSmart API和控制命令参考 机制云开放平台 { "name": "vSmartPro", "entities": [ { "id": 0, "display_name": "机智云开发套件", "attrs": [ { "display_name": "循环功能使能开关", "name": "Circulation_Enable", "data_type": "bool", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 0, "desc": "0: off 1: on" }, { "display_name": "加热使能开关", "name": "Heating_Enable", "data_type": "bool", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 1, "desc": "0: off 1: on 集中供暖" }, { "display_name": "生活热水使能开关", "name": "WarmStar_Tank_Loading_Enable", "data_type": "bool", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 2, "desc": "0: off 1: on\n水罐加热" }, { "display_name": "加热是否使能(Boiler)", "name": "Enabled_Heating", "data_type": "bool", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 3, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "生活热水是否使能(Boiler)", "name": "Enabled_DHW", "data_type": "bool", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 4, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "BMU_Platform", "name": "BMU_Platform", "data_type": "bool", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 5, "desc": "0: not "CoC2011 Platform", 1: "CoC2011 Platform"" }, { "display_name": "温度补偿", "name": "Weather_compensation", "data_type": "bool", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 6, "desc": "0: off 1: on" }, { "display_name": "CH模式设置", "name": "Mode_Setting_CH", "data_type": "enum", "enum": [ "Auto", "Cruising" ], "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 7, "desc": "温控器模式供暖设置,auto是定时,cruising是全天候." }, { "display_name": "DHW模式设置", "name": "Mode_Setting_DHW", "data_type": "enum", "enum": [ "Auto", "Cruising" ], "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 8, "desc": "生活热水模式设置,auto是定时,cruising是全天候" }, { "display_name": "DHW功能选择", "name": "DHW_Function", "data_type": "enum", "enum": [ "warmstart", "tank_loading", "none", "not_setted" ], "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 2, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 9, "desc": "配网完成时使用,选择DHW的功能;\n0是热启动(已去掉)\n1是水箱负载;\n2是仅生活热水;" }, { "display_name": "加热设置", "name": "Heating_System_Setting", "data_type": "enum", "enum": [ "floor_heating", "radiator", "not_setted" ], "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 2, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 10, "desc": "floor_heating是地暖;\nradiator是散热器" }, { "display_name": "TimeSlot类型", "name": "Time_slot_type", "data_type": "enum", "enum": [ "CH", "DHW" ], "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 11, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "品牌信息", "name": "Brand", "data_type": "enum", "enum": [ "default", "vaillant on desk", "protherm on desk", "vaillant in wall", "protherm in wall", "vaillant TR", "DD TR" ], "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 3, "unit": "bit", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 12, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "加热曲线参数", "name": "Heating_Curve", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 100, "ratio": 0.1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 13, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "TimeSlot最多可写个数(DHW)", "name": "Max_NumBer_Of_Timeslots_DHW", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 5, "ratio": 1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 14, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "当前需要被写的TimeSlot(DHW)", "name": "Slot_current_DHW", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 5, "ratio": 1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 15, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "TimeSlot最多可写个数(CH)", "name": "Max_NumBer_Of_Timeslots_CH", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 5, "ratio": 1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 16, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "当前需要被写的TimeSlot(CH)", "name": "Slot_current_CH", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 5, "ratio": 1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 17, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "室内设定温度1(舒适)", "name": "Room_Temperature_Setpoint_Comfort", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 5, "max": 50, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 18, "desc": "Default: 20°C,range: 5-30°C,unit:°C,resolution:0.5°C.It is used for Auto Mode and Time slot1,2,3." }, { "display_name": "室内设定温度2(节能)", "name": "Room_Temperature_Setpoint_ECO", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 5, "max": 50, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 19, "desc": "Default: 15°C,range: 5-30°C,unit:°C,resolution:0.5°C.It is used for Night." }, { "display_name": "室外温度", "name": "Outdoor_Temperature", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": -50, "max": 99, "ratio": 1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 20, "desc": "通过第三方天气接口传输" }, { "display_name": "室内实际温度", "name": "Room_Temperature", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": -50, "max": 198, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 21, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "生活热水设定温度", "name": "DHW_setpoint", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 35, "max": 60, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 22, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "供热设定温度下限", "name": "Lower_Limitation_of_CH_Setpoint", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 200, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 23, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "供热设定温度上限", "name": "Upper_Limitation_of_CH_Setpoint", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 200, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 24, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "生活热水设定温度下限", "name": "Lower_Limitation_of_DHW_Setpoint", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 200, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 25, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "生活热水设定温度上限", "name": "Upper_Limitation_of_DHW_Setpoint", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 200, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 26, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "当前锅炉DHW设定温度", "name": "Current_DHW_Setpoint", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 130, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 70 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 27, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "RF连接状态", "name": "RF_Status", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 127, "ratio": 1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 28, "desc": "bit0: 0-RF is disconnected, 1-RF is connected.\nbit1: 0- EBus is disconnected, 1- EBus is connected." }, { "display_name": "CH设定温度", "name": "Flow_Temperature_Setpoint", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 240, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 29, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "当前CH加热实际温度", "name": "Flow_temperature", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 240, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 30, "desc": "unit:°C,resolution:0.5°C(0°C - 120°C)" }, { "display_name": "回水温度", "name": "return_temperature", "data_type": "uint8", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 1, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 240, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 31, "desc": "" }, { "display_name": "DSN", "name": "DSN", "data_type": "uint16", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 2, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 65535, "ratio": 1, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 32, "desc": "DSN" }, { "display_name": "当前水罐实际温度", "name": "Tank_temperature", "data_type": "uint16", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 2, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "uint_spec": { "addition": 0, "max": 510, "ratio": 0.5, "min": 0 }, "type": "status_readonly", "id": 33, "desc": "unit:°C,resolution:0.5°C(0°C - 120°C), 0xff - temperature is not normal" }, { "display_name": "DHW模式周一温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_DHW1", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 34, "desc": "周一的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "DHW模式周二温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_DHW2", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 35, "desc": "周二的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "DHW模式周三温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_DHW3", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 36, "desc": "周三的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "DHW模式周四温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_DHW4", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 37, "desc": "周四的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "DHW模式周五温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_DHW5", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 38, "desc": "周五的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "DHW模式周六温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_DHW6", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 39, "desc": "周六的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "DHW模式周日温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_DHW7", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 40, "desc": "周日的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "CH模式周一温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_CH1", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 41, "desc": "周一的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "CH模式周二温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_CH2", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 42, "desc": "周二的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "CH模式周三温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_CH3", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 43, "desc": "周三的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "CH模式周四温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_CH4", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 44, "desc": "周四的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "CH模式周五温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_CH5", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 45, "desc": "周五的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "CH模式周六温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_CH6", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 46, "desc": "周六的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { "display_name": "CH模式周日温度设置", "name": "Start_Time_CH7", "data_type": "binary", "position": { "bit_offset": 0, "len": 12, "unit": "byte", "byte_offset": 0 }, "type": "status_writable", "id": 47, "desc": "周日的定时:第一个字节表示第一组开始时间的“时”,第二个字节表示第一组开始时间的“分”,第三个字节表示第一组结束时间“时”,第四个字节表示第一组结束时间的“分”;以此类推一共三组。" }, { 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Home Assistant integration for Vaillant vsmart Pro







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