A python wrapper for the Sorare API
python >= 3.7
pip install sorarepy
conda install -c seanyboi sorarepy
from sorarepy.login import LoginSorare
To receieve your JWT and team name slug.
l = LoginSorare(app_name="test_app", email="[email protected]", password="abc", two_factor="12345")
token, club_name = l.login()
If there is any particular data you wish to be added to the package please let me know!
Issues and pull requests are always welcome.
A huge massive thanks to Sorare for open sourcing their API. Without them this package wouldn't be possible so please go check them out!
Sorare - https://sorare.com
We do not store any personal information like email, password or your two factor password, that is down to you to keep safe!