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An Elixir first-class library for interacting with smart contracts


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Elixir Ethers

example workflow Module Version Hex Docs License Last Updated

Elixir Ethers is a comprehensive library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and its ecosystem. Heavily inspired by the ethers.js library, Elixir Ethers leverages macros to convert Ethereum contract ABIs into first-class Elixir modules during compile time, complete with documentation and type-specs.


You can install the package by adding ethers to the list of dependencies in your mix.exs file::

def deps do
    {:ethers, "~> 0.1.0"}

The complete documentation is available on hexdocs.


To use Elixir Ethers, ensure you have a configured JSON-RPC endpoint. Configure the endpoint using the following configuration parameter.

# config.exs
config :ethers,
  rpc_client: Ethereumex.HttpClient, # Defaults to: Ethereumex.HttpClient
  keccak_module: ExKeccak, # Defaults to: ExKeccak
  json_module: Jason # Defaults to: Jason

# If using Ethereumex, you need to specify a JSON-RPC server url here
config :ethereumex, url: "[URL_HERE]"

You can use Cloudflare's Ethereum Gateway for the RPC URL.

For more configuration options, refer to ethereumex.

To send transactions, you need a wallet client capable of signing transactions and exposing a JSON-RPC endpoint.


To use Elixir Ethers, you must have your contract's ABI, which can be obtained from This library also supports standard contract interfaces such as ERC20, ERC721 and some more (refer to built-in contracts in hex-doc).

Create a module for your contract as follows:

defmodule MyERC20Token do
  use Ethers.Contract, 
    abi_file: "path/to/abi.json", 
    default_address: "[Token address here (optional)]"

Calling contract functions

After defining the module, all the functions can be called like any other Elixir module. The documentation is also available giving the developer a first-class experience.

iex> MyERC20Token.balance_of("0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2")
{:ok, [654294510138460920346]}

iex> h MyERC20Token.balance_of
                     def balance_of(owner, overrides \\ [])

  @spec balance_of(Ethers.Types.t_address(), Keyword.t()) ::
          {:ok, [non_neg_integer()]}
          | {:ok, Ethers.Types.t_hash()}
          | {:ok, Ethers.Contract.t_function_output()}
          | {:error, term()}

Executes balanceOf(address _owner) on the contract.

Default action for this function is `:call`. To override default action see
Execution Options in Ethers.Contract.

## Parameters_owner: `:address`
  • overrides: Overrides and options for the call. See Execution Options in

## Return Types{:uint, 256}

Sending transaction

Sending transactions is also straightforward, as Elixir Ethers automatically determines whether a function is a view function or a state-changing function, using eth_call or eth_sendTransaction accordingly. You can override this behavior with the :action override.

Ensure that you specify a from option to inform your client which account to use:

iex> MyERC20Token.transfer("0x[Recipient Address Here]", Ethers.Utils.to_wei(1), from: "0x[Your address here]")
{:ok, "0xf313ff7ff54c6db80ad44c3ad58f72ff0fea7ce88e5e9304991ebd35a6e76000"}

Getting Logs (Events)

Elixir Ethers provides functionality for creating event filters and fetching events from the RPC endpoint using eth_getLogs. Each contract in Ethers generates an EventFilters module (e.g. MyERC20Token.EventFilters) that can be used to create filters for events.

To create an event filter and use the Ethers.get_logs function, follow this example:

iex> filter = MyERC20Token.EventFilters.transfer("0x[From Address Here]", nil)

Also nil can be used for a parameter in EventFilters functions to show that it should not be filtered.

Then you can simply list the logs.

iex> Ethers.get_logs(filter)
     address: "0x5883c66ca442461d406f330775d42954bfcf7d92",
     block_hash: "0x83de67fd285067b838790406ea68f21a3afbc0ade534047725b5ccfb904c9ed3",
     block_number: 17077047,
     topics: ["Transfer(address,address,uint256)",
     topics_raw: ["0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef",
     transaction_hash: "0xaa6fb2e1bbb27f667e76b03e8cde23db694207e06b9aa810d4c20c1f109a58e5",
     transaction_index: 0,
     data: [761112156078097834180608],
     log_index: 0,
     removed: false


This project was not possible if it was not for the great :ex_abi library and its contributors.

Also a special thanks to the authors and contributors of :ethereumex library.


Apache License 2.0


An Elixir first-class library for interacting with smart contracts







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  • Elixir 93.6%
  • Solidity 6.4%