Elixir Ethers is a comprehensive library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and its ecosystem. Heavily inspired by the ethers.js library, Elixir Ethers leverages macros to convert Ethereum contract ABIs into first-class Elixir modules during compile time, complete with documentation and type-specs.
You can install the package by adding ethers
to the list of dependencies in your mix.exs
def deps do
{:ethers, "~> 0.1.0"}
The complete documentation is available on hexdocs.
To use Elixir Ethers, ensure you have a configured JSON-RPC endpoint. Configure the endpoint using the following configuration parameter.
# config.exs
config :ethers,
rpc_client: Ethereumex.HttpClient, # Defaults to: Ethereumex.HttpClient
keccak_module: ExKeccak, # Defaults to: ExKeccak
json_module: Jason # Defaults to: Jason
# If using Ethereumex, you need to specify a JSON-RPC server url here
config :ethereumex, url: "[URL_HERE]"
You can use Cloudflare's Ethereum Gateway https://cloudflare-eth.com/v1/mainnet
for the RPC URL.
For more configuration options, refer to ethereumex.
To send transactions, you need a wallet client capable of signing transactions and exposing a JSON-RPC endpoint.
To use Elixir Ethers, you must have your contract's ABI, which can be obtained from etherscan.io.
This library also supports standard contract interfaces such as ERC20
, ERC721
and some more (refer to built-in contracts in hex-doc).
Create a module for your contract as follows:
defmodule MyERC20Token do
use Ethers.Contract,
abi_file: "path/to/abi.json",
default_address: "[Token address here (optional)]"
After defining the module, all the functions can be called like any other Elixir module. The documentation is also available giving the developer a first-class experience.
iex> MyERC20Token.balance_of("0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2")
{:ok, [654294510138460920346]}
iex> h MyERC20Token.balance_of
def balance_of(owner, overrides \\ [])
@spec balance_of(Ethers.Types.t_address(), Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, [non_neg_integer()]}
| {:ok, Ethers.Types.t_hash()}
| {:ok, Ethers.Contract.t_function_output()}
| {:error, term()}
Executes balanceOf(address _owner) on the contract.
Default action for this function is `:call`. To override default action see
Execution Options in Ethers.Contract.
## Parameters
• _owner: `:address`
• overrides: Overrides and options for the call. See Execution Options in
## Return Types
• {:uint, 256}
Sending transactions is also straightforward, as Elixir Ethers automatically determines whether a function is a view function or a state-changing function, using eth_call
or eth_sendTransaction
You can override this behavior with the :action
Ensure that you specify a from
option to inform your client which account to use:
iex> MyERC20Token.transfer("0x[Recipient Address Here]", Ethers.Utils.to_wei(1), from: "0x[Your address here]")
{:ok, "0xf313ff7ff54c6db80ad44c3ad58f72ff0fea7ce88e5e9304991ebd35a6e76000"}
Elixir Ethers provides functionality for creating event filters and fetching events from the RPC endpoint using eth_getLogs
Each contract in Ethers generates an EventFilters
module (e.g. MyERC20Token.EventFilter
s) that can be used to create filters for events.
To create an event filter and use the Ethers.get_logs
function, follow this example:
iex> filter = MyERC20Token.EventFilters.transfer("0x[From Address Here]", nil)
Also nil
can be used for a parameter in EventFilters functions to show that it should not be filtered.
Then you can simply list the logs.
iex> Ethers.get_logs(filter)
address: "0x5883c66ca442461d406f330775d42954bfcf7d92",
block_hash: "0x83de67fd285067b838790406ea68f21a3afbc0ade534047725b5ccfb904c9ed3",
block_number: 17077047,
topics: ["Transfer(address,address,uint256)",
topics_raw: ["0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef",
transaction_hash: "0xaa6fb2e1bbb27f667e76b03e8cde23db694207e06b9aa810d4c20c1f109a58e5",
transaction_index: 0,
data: [761112156078097834180608],
log_index: 0,
removed: false
This project was not possible if it was not for the great :ex_abi library and its contributors.
Also a special thanks to the authors and contributors of :ethereumex library.