- web
Converts the $_FILES array into an array of objects with time-saving methods for validation, security and file-related functionality.
Learning Page Layouts in HTML with CSS.
seeking / WebProgramming
Forked from bcrastnopol/WebProgrammingRepository for COMP 20: Web Programming at Tufts University Department of Computer Science
Allow students to vote for times and blocks given a predetermined number of vetos and shillings.
"Node.js 프로그래밍 : 클라우드 컴퓨팅 시대의 고성능 자바스크립트 플랫폼"의 예제소스
seeking / jScrollPane
Forked from vitch/jScrollPanePretty, customisable, cross browser replacement scrollbars
seeking / turn.js
Forked from blasten/turn.jsThe page flip effect for HTML5
seeking / nodejs.ir
Forked from milani/nodejs.irnodejs.ir is port of nodejs.org to persian language.
seeking / jsWeather
Forked from eAmin/jsWeathershow weather with javascript JSONP & YQL API
seeking / jQuery-So-So-Social
Forked from iamjpg/So-So-SocialjQuery plug-in that uses YQL (Yahoo Query Language) to gather RSS feeds from your various social networks and sorts them into an "activity feed".
seeking / yql-tables
Forked from yql/yql-tablesYQL is extensible using a table definition. This repository will hold community contributed definitions.
1Schools Tutorials Files
seeking / Ipad-Simulator
Forked from altryne/Ipad-SimulatorjQuery + css3 iOS simulator with some ipad design
seeking / jquery.slideShow
Forked from Ephigenia/jquery.slideShowjquery slideshow plugin
Web Programming Technology Tutorials