It reads sensors data from text files and saves to database. There are 3 tables this example. 1-)Objects 2-)Users 3-)Sensors data
First insert json files(users, objects) into database.
sudo cbc create --mode insert user1 < user1.json -u your_username -P your_password -U couchbase://localhost/BucketName
sudo cbc create --mode insert user2 < user2.json -u your_username -P your_password -U couchbase://localhost/BucketName
sudo cbc create --mode insert object1 < object1.json -u your_username -P your_password -U couchbase://localhost/BucketName
sudo cbc create --mode insert object2 < object2.json -u your_username -P your_password -U couchbase://localhost/BucketName
Run command.