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Add day24 part1
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seishun committed Dec 27, 2018
1 parent 49258b6 commit 6ad6df9
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 0 deletions.
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions day24.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord

import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq

data Faction = ImmuneSystem | Infection deriving (Eq)
type Attack = (Int, String, Int)
data Group = Group
{ units :: Int
, hitPoints :: Int
, attackDamage :: Int
, attackType :: String
, initiative :: Int
, weaknesses :: [String]
, immunities :: [String]

parseAttack :: [String] -> Attack
parseAttack ["an","attack","that","does",damage_,t,"damage","at","initiative",initiative_] =
(read damage_, t, read initiative_)

parseWeak :: [String] -> ([String], [String], Attack)
parseWeak ("immune":"to":xs) = parseImmune xs
parseWeak ("with":xs) = ([], [], parseAttack xs)
parseWeak (t:xs) =
let (immune, weak, attack) = parseWeak xs
in (immune, t:weak, attack)

parseImmune :: [String] -> ([String], [String], Attack)
parseImmune ("weak":"to":xs) = parseWeak xs
parseImmune ("with":xs) = ([], [], parseAttack xs)
parseImmune (t:xs) =
let (immune, weak, attack) = parseImmune xs
in (t:immune, weak, attack)

parseGroup :: String -> Group
parseGroup line =
let (units_:"units":"each":"with":hp_:"hit":"points":xs) = words $ filter (`notElem` "(),;") line
(immune, weak, (damage, t, initiative)) = case xs of
("immune":"to":xs') -> parseImmune xs'
("weak":"to":xs') -> parseWeak xs'
("with":xs') -> ([], [], parseAttack xs')
in Group (read units_) (read hp_) damage t initiative weak immune

parse' :: Faction -> [String] -> [(Faction, Group)]
parse' faction ("":xs) = parse xs
parse' faction (line:xs) = (faction, parseGroup line) : parse' faction xs
parse' faction [] = []

parse :: [String] -> [(Faction, Group)]
parse ("Immune System:":xs) = parse' ImmuneSystem xs
parse ("Infection:":xs) = parse' Infection xs

damage :: Int -> String -> Group -> Int
damage power t target
| t `elem` immunities target = 0
| t `elem` weaknesses target = power * 2
| otherwise = power

power :: Group -> Int
power attacker = max 0 $ attackDamage attacker * units attacker

attack :: Seq (Faction, Group) -> (Int, Int) -> Seq (Faction, Group)
attack groups (attacker, target) =
let attacker' = snd $ groups `Seq.index` attacker
target' = snd $ groups `Seq.index` target
loss = damage (power attacker') (attackType attacker') target' `div` hitPoints target'
in Seq.adjust' (\(f, g) -> (f, g { units = units g - loss })) target groups

select :: [(Faction, Group)] -> (Int, (Faction, Group)) -> [Int] -> (Maybe (Group, (Int, Int)), [Int])
select groups (attacker, (faction, group)) selected =
let enemies = do
(target, (faction', group')) <- zip [0..] groups
guard $ target `notElem` selected
guard $ faction' /= faction
let damage' = damage (power group) (attackType group) group'
guard $ damage' > 0
return ((damage', power group', initiative group'), target)
in case enemies of
[] -> (Nothing, selected)
_ ->
let target = snd $ maximum enemies
in (Just (group, (attacker, target)), target : selected)

fight :: [(Faction, Group)] -> Maybe [(Faction, Group)]
fight groups =
let factions = nub $ map fst groups
in if length factions == 1
then Nothing
else let attackers = sortOn (\(_, (_, g)) -> Down (power g, initiative g)) $ zip [0..] groups
selections = catMaybes $ fst $ runState (mapM (state . select groups) attackers) []
attacks = map snd $ sortOn (\(g, _) -> Down (initiative g)) selections
in Just $ filter (\(f, g) -> units g > 0) $ toList $ foldl attack (Seq.fromList groups) attacks

combat :: [(Faction, Group)] -> [(Faction, Group)]
combat groups = case fight groups of
Just groups' -> combat groups'
Nothing -> groups

part1 :: String -> Int
part1 = sum . map (units . snd) . combat . parse . lines

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