Tags: seiya1223/Polly
Remove magic string from test collection specification
Add interface providing read-only access to a policy registry (App-vN… …ext#283) * Add interface providing read-only access to a policy registry Adds an interface providing read-only access to a policy registry. Useful to prevent consumers changing policies in registry; for example to enforce separation of population of policy registry from usage. * Add IReadOnlyPolicyRegistrySpecs
Merge pull request App-vNext#263 from reisenberger/v5.2.0 Add PolicyRegistry and interfaces to Polly (v5.2.0)
Merge pull request App-vNext#244 from reisenberger/reisenberger/featu… …re/expandcontextusage v5.1.0: Allow different parts of an execution to exchange state through `Context` flowing with execution
Update NetStandard.Library dependency to NETStandard.Library 1.6.1. (A… …pp-vNext#229) Update NetStandard.Library dependency to NETStandard.Library 1.6.1, to resolve compatibility for some Xamarin targets. Fixes App-vNext#228
Merge pull request App-vNext#225 from reisenberger/v505doco-NoOpPolicy