A general purpose library that you can use in Solar2D projects with minimal modification.
Import library
local utils = require "utils"
Close databases
tableDatabases = utils.closeDatabases(tableDatabases)
Close files
tableFiles = utils.closeDatabases(tableFiles)
Resume timers
Pause timers
Cancel timers
tableTimers = utils.cancelTimers(tableTimers)
Clear display group
Clear table
targetTable = utils.clearTable(targetTable)
Create slider widget
local widthSoundButton = contentWidthSafe / 10
local heightSoundButton = widthSoundButton
local ySoundSlider = yStartingPlacement + heightSoundButton * 1.2
local optionsSliderControl = { id = "soundLevel", filePath = "assets/menu/sound.png",
colorBackground = colorBackground, colorButtonDefault = colorButtonDefault,
colorButtonFillDefault = colorButtonFillDefault, colorButtonFillOnPress = colorButtonFillOnPress,
colorButtonStroke = colorButtonStroke, widthButton = widthSoundButton, heightButton = heightSoundButton,
yButton = ySoundSlider, soundSample = tableSoundFiles["answerChosen"] }
local buttonSound = utils.createSliderControl(targetGroup, optionsSliderControl)
Show information box
local optionsInfoBox = {
infoFont = fontName,
infoText = "Information text shown to the player/user",
isPromptAvailable = isDontShowAgainPromptShown,
stringPromptPreference = variableStringDontShowAgainPreference,
local yTopFrame = utils.showInformationBox(infoGroup, optionsInfoBox)
Show dialog box
local function closeDialogBox()
local function openURL()
local optionsDialogBox = {
fontDialog = fontName,
dialogText = "This will take you to www.github.com.",
confirmText = "Confirm - Open URL",
confirmFunction = openURL,
denyText = "Deny",
denyFunction = closeDialogBox,
utils.showDialogBox(dialogGroup, optionsDialogBox)
Load sound effects
local tableSoundFiles = {}
local pathFolder = "assets/soundFX/"
local tableFileNames = { "answerChosen.wav", "answerRight.wav" }
tableSoundFiles = utils.loadSoundFX(tableSoundFiles, pathFolder, tableFileNames)
Unload/free sound effects
tableSoundFiles = utils.unloadSoundFX(tableSoundFiles)
Show share UI(OS dependent)
local urlLandingPage = "www.YourLandingPageHere.com"
local pathShareAsset = "assets/other/shareAsset.png"
utils.showSystemShareUI(pathShareAsset, urlLandingPage)
Show QR code to a web page
local pathQRCode = "assets/other/QRCode.png"
utils.showShareQR(qrGroup, pathQRCode)
Show mail UI(OS dependent)
local mailAddress = "[email protected]"
local mailSubject = "Enter mail subject here"
local mailBody = "Enter mail body here"
utils.showMailUI(mailAddress, mailSubject, mailBody)
Show store page
local idAppStore = "1234567890"