This repository is home to the nix code that builds my systems.
Nix allows for easy-to-manage, collaborative, reproducible deployments. This means that once something is setup and configured once, it works forever. If someone else shares their configuration, anyone can make use of it.
Want to know Nix in detail? Looking for a beginner-friendly tutorial or best practices? Check out NixOS & Nix Flakes Book - 🛠️ ❤️ An unofficial & opinionated 📖 for beginners!
If you're using macOS, you can also check out ryan4yin/nix-darwin-kickstarter for a quick start.
NixOS(Wayland) | NixOS(Xorg) | |
Window Manager | Hyprland | i3 |
Terminal Emulator | Kitty | Kitty |
Bar | Waybar | i3block |
Application Launcher | anyrun | rofi |
Notification Daemon | Mako | Dunst |
Display Manager | GDM | GDM |
Color Scheme | Catppuccin | Catppuccin |
network management tool | NetworkManager | NetworkManager |
Input method framework | Fcitx5 | Fcitx5 |
System resource monitor | Btop | Btop |
File Manager | ranger + thunar | ranger + thunar |
Shell | Nushell + Starship | Nushell + Starship |
Music Player | mpd, ncmpcpp, mpc, Netease-cloud-music-gtk | Netease-cloud-music-gtk |
Media Player | mpv | mpv |
Text Editor | Neovim | Neovim |
Fonts | Nerd fonts | Nerd fonts |
Image Viewer | imv | imv |
Screenshot Software | grim | flameshot |
Screen Recording | OBS | OBS |
See ./home/base/desktop/neovim for details.
See ./hosts for details.
See ./secrets for details.
🔴 IMPORTANT: You should NOT deploy this flake directly on your machine:exclamation: It will not succeed. this flake contains my hardware configuration(such as hardware-configuration.nix, cifs-mount.nix, Nvidia Support, etc.) which is not suitable for your hardware, and my private secrets repository ryan4yin/nix-secrets that only I have access to. You may use this repo as a reference to build your own configuration.
After installing NixOS with nix-command
& flake
enabled, follow the steps below to deploy this flake.
For NixOS, use the following commands:
Need to restart the machine after switching between
# deploy one of the configuration based on the hostname
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#ai_i3
# sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#ai_hyprland
# we can also deploy using `make`, which is defined in Makefile
make i3 # deploy my pc with i3 window manager
# make hypr # deploy my pc with hyprland compositor
# or we can deploy with details
make i3-debug
# make hypr-debug
For MacOS, use the following commands:
# deploy the darwin configuration(harmonicia)
make ha
# deploy with details
make ha-debug
We can install apps from flathub, which has a lot of apps that are not supported well in nixpkgs.
# Add the Flathub repository
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
# install apps from flathub
flatpak install netease-cloud-music-gtk
# install 3d printer slicer - cura
flatpak install flathub com.ultimaker.cura
# or you can search apps from flathub
flatpak search <keyword>
# search on website is also supported:
use aquamarine
as an example, we can create a virtual machine with the following command:
# 1. generate a proxmox vma image file
nom build .#aquamarine # `nom`(nix-output-monitor) can be replaced by the standard command `nix`
# 2. upload the genereated image to proxmox server's backup directory `/var/lib/vz/dump`
# please replace the vma file name with the one you generated in step 1.
scp result/vzdump-qemu-aquamarine-nixos-23.11.20230603.dd49825.vma.zst [email protected]:/var/lib/vz/dump
# 3. the image we uploaded will be listed in proxmox web ui's this page: [storage 'local'] -> [backups], we can restore a vm from it via the web ui now.
Once the virtual machine aquamarine
is created, we can deploy updates to it with the following commands:
# 1. add the ssh key to ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/ai-idols
# 2. deploy the configuration to all the remote host with tag `@dist-build`
# using the ssh key we added in step 1
colmena apply --on '@dist-build' --show-trace
If you're not familiar with remote deployment, please read this tutorial first: Remote Deployment - NixOS & Flakes Book
Other dotfiles that inspired me:
- Nix Flakes
- NixOS-CN/NixOS-CN-telegram
- notusknot/dotfiles-nix
- xddxdd/nixos-config
- bobbbay/dotfiles
- gytis-ivaskevicius/nixfiles
- davidtwco/veritas
- gvolpe/nix-config
- Ruixi-rebirth/flakes
- fufexan/dotfiles: gtk theme, xdg, git, media, anyrun, etc.
- Hyprland(wayland)
- notwidow/hyprland: This is where I start my hyprland journey.
- HeinzDev/Hyprland-dotfiles: Refer to the waybar configuration here.
- linuxmobile/kaku
- I3 Window Manager
- endeavouros-i3wm-setup: I started using i3 here, and my i3 configuration is also based on it, but made a lot of changes.
- denisse-dev/dotfiles
- Neovim/AstroNvim
- maxbrunet/dotfiles: astronvim with nix flakes.
- Misc