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Data and codes of the paper "Convex Maximization via Adjustable Robust Optimization"


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Data and codes of the paper Convex Maximization via Adjustable Robust Optimization by Aras Selvi, Aharon Ben-Tal, Ruud Brekelmans, and Dick den Hertog (2021).

The preprint (version of 1 September 2021) is available on Optimization Online. The paper is presented at Robust Optimization Webinars, at Imperial-LBS-UCL Brown Bag Seminars, and at the 2022 INFORMS Computing Society Conference. Aras received the 2021 ICS Best Student Paper Award with this paper.

Update: On 9 September 2021, this paper is accepted for a publication in INFORMS Journal on Computing.


This repository provides the following:

  • Example scripts that generate the random data explained in Appendix G of the paper
  • The exact problem data that is used in the numerical experiments (Section 4) of the paper
  • The scripts that implement upper and lower bound approximation algorithms of convex maximization problems
  • The exact upper and lower bound values found, and the solutions of the upper and lower bound problems


MATLAB - We use MATLAB 2018b to run the scripts. The scripts are compatible with the latest release 2021a of MATLAB.

YALMIP - We use YALMIP to call optimization solvers. The scripts are compatible with the latest release (as of 1 September 2021) R20210331 of YALMIP. As a minimum requirement, YALMIP R20181012 is needed (for the support of exponential cone modeling).

MOSEK - Version >= 9.0 is required for exponential cone optimization purposes. The scripts are compatible with the latest release (as of 1 September 2021)

CPLEX - Version >= 12.6 is required to solve nonconvex quadratic problems (for benchmark purposes). The scripts are compatible with version 12.10. Note that the most recent version (as of 1 September 2021) 20.1 does not come with a MATLAB connector with anymore.

GUROBI - Version >= 9.0 is used, and the scripts are compatible with the latest release 9.1 (as of 1 September 2021). We use GUROBI to solve mixed integer linear optimization problems.

Moreover, although our upper/lower bound approximation algorithms only use the solvers mentioned above, we also compared our solutions with the solutions obtained by directly solving the original convex maximization problem with various solvers such as BARON, Artelys KNITRO, COIN-OR IPOPT, and BMIBNB. Please reach out to Aras ([email protected]) for any question about using these solvers for global optimization.


The following is a guide to use this repository. Note that all data files are in ".mat" format (data file used by MATLAB, documentation available here). All the scripts are in ".m" format (MATLAB script files). In some folders there are ".txt" files just to comment on some implementations (not important).

The folders are summarized below (click on the relevant Section to get more information):

Section 4.1 - logsumexp over 2norm

This folder is about the problem of maximizing a log-sum-exp (geometric) function over a single 2-norm constraint. In other words, this folder is dedicated to problem (1) of the paper where the objective function is a log-sum-exp function, and the constraint function g(.) is a 2-norm.

The file Generate_Data.m generates an example problem, where one can see how we name the variables that define the convex maximization problem (n, m, A, b, rho, a). This is how we construct instances of the convex maximization problem.

The numerical experiments of the paper (Section 4.1) summarize the results of 12 problems whose generation are explained in Appendix G.1. The exact problem data are available in the corresponding sub-folders of this folder. For example, data of Problem #1 of the paper can be found under the folder P1 with the name P1.mat. The upper and lower bound results given by our approximation scheme are also available with the names UB solution.mat and LB solution.mat, respectively.

For a given convex maximization instance, the file approximate.m solves the upper and lower bound approximation problems as proposed in Corollary 1 of the paper. The file takes an input problem_index. Setting this to, e.g., "P9", will load P9/P9.mat and return upper and lower bound approximation results. One can also generate a new instance by modifying Generate_Data.m and approximate that problem by loading it in the beginning of approximate.m.

Details of approximate.m: To obtain an upper bound it solves problem (10) of the paper, and the lower bound solution is proposed in the statement of Corollary 1. The upper bound value and solution are saved as UB solution.mat, and the lower bound value and solution are saved as LB solution.mat.

Section 4.2 - logsumexp over infnorm

This folder is about the problem of maximizing a log-sum-exp (geometric) function over a single infinity-norm constraint. In other words, this folder is dedicated to problem (1) of the paper where the objective function is a log-sum-exp function, and the constraint function g(.) is an infinity-norm.

The file Generate_Data.m generates an example problem, where one can see how we name the variables that define the convex maximization problem (n, m, A, b, rho, a). This is how we construct instances of the convex maximization problem.

The numerical experiments of the paper (Section 4.2) summarize the results of 5 problems whose generation are explained in Appendix G.2. The exact problem data are available in the corresponding sub-folders of this folder. For example, data of Problem #1 of the paper can be found under the folder P1 with the name P1.mat. The data of exact solution our method finds is also available with the name Solution.mat.

For a given convex maximization instance, the file approximate.m solves the equivalent optimization problem and retrieves the solution that attains it as proposed in Corollary 2 of the paper. The file takes an input problem_index. Setting this to, e.g., "P5", will load P5/P5.mat and return upper and lower bound approximation results. One can also generate a new instance by modifying Generate_Data.m and approximate that problem by loading it in the beginning of approximate.m.

Details of approximate.m: To obtain the global optimum value of the convex maximization problem it solves problem (11) of the paper. The corresponding solution that attains this value in the main problem is obtained by solving the LP proposed in the statement of Corollary 2. The global optimum value, the solution w of problem (11), and the solution x_bar that attains this value in the original problem are saves as "Solution.mat".

Section 4.3 - quadratic over polyhedron

This folder is about the problem of maximizing a convex quadratic function over a polyhedron {x | Dx <= d, x >= 0}. In other words, this folder is dedicated to problem (20) of the paper where the objective function is a convex quadratic function. The problem (including parameter definitions) is summarized in the first row of Table 1 of the paper.

The file Generate_Data.m generates an example problem, where one can see how we name the variables that define the convex maximization problem (n, m, q, Q, L, ell, D, d). This is how we construct instances of the convex maximization problem.

The numerical experiments of the paper (Section 4.3) summarize the results of 7 problems whose generation are explained in Appendix G.3. The exact problem data are available in the corresponding sub-folders of this folder. For example, data of Problem #7 of the paper can be found under the folder P7 with the name P7.mat. The upper and lower bound results given by our approximation scheme are also available with the names UB solution.mat and LB solution.mat, respectively. The file readme.txt in folders P1 and P2 notes an extra step needed for Problems #1 and #2.

For a given convex maximization instance, the file approximate.m solves the upper and lower bound approximation problems as proposed in Theorem 3 and equations (26)-(28), and derived explicitly in Appendix D.1. of the paper. The file takes an input problem_index. Setting this to, e.g., "P7", will load P7/P7.mat and return upper and lower bound approximation results (including the lower bound scenarios). One can also generate a new instance by modifying Generate_Data.m and approximate that problem by loading it in the beginning of approximate.m.

Details of approximate.m: To obtain an upper bound it solves the SOCO problem described in the first row of Table 2 of the paper. Lower bound scenarios are analytically obtained by using the upper bound solution as summarized in the first row of Table 3, and these scenarios are used to generate candidate lower bound solutions x_bar. The upper bound value and solution are saved as UB solution.mat, and the lower bound value, scenarios, and solutions are saved as LB solution.mat.

Section 4.4 - logsumexp over polyhedron

This folder is about the problem of maximizing a log-sum-exp function over a polyhedron {x | Dx <= d, x >= 0}. In other words, this folder is dedicated to problem (20) of the paper where the objective function is a log-sum-exp (geometric) function. The problem (including parameter definitions) is summarized in the second row of Table 1 of the paper.

The file Generate_Data.m generates an example problem, where one can see how we name the variables that define the convex maximization problem (n, m, q, A, b, D, d). This is how we construct instances of the convex maximization problem.

The numerical experiments of the paper (Section 4.4) summarize the results of 6 problems whose generation are explained in Appendix G.4. The exact problem data are available in the corresponding sub-folders of this folder. For example, data of Problem #4 of the paper can be found under the folder P4 with the name P4.mat. The upper and lower bound results given by our approximation scheme are also available with the names UB solution.mat and LB solution.mat, respectively. Note that, Problem #1 has four different variants (size10, size40, size60, size100), hence when addressing this problem we input, e.g., P1-size40.

For a given convex maximization instance, the file approximate.m solves the upper and lower bound approximation problems as proposed in Theorem 3 and equations (26)-(28), and derived explicitly in Appendix D.2. of the paper. The file takes an input problem_index. Setting this to, e.g., "P4", will load P4/P4.mat and return upper and lower bound approximation results (including the lower bound scenarios). One can also generate a new instance by modifying Generate_Data.m and approximate that problem by loading it in the beginning of approximate.m.

Details of approximate.m: To obtain an upper bound it solves the exponential cone problem described in the second row of Table 2 of the paper. Lower bound scenarios are obtained by using the upper bound solution as summarized in the second row of Table 3, and these scenarios are used to generate candidate lower bound solutions x_bar. The upper bound value and solution are saved as UB solution.mat, and the lower bound value, scenarios, and solutions are saved as LB solution.mat.

Section 4.5 - sumofmax over polyhedron

This folder is about the problem of maximizing a sum-of-max-linear-terms function over a polyhedron {x | Dx <= d, x >= 0}. In other words, this folder is dedicated to problem (20) of the paper where the objective function is a sum-of-max-linear-terms function. The problem (including parameter definitions) is summarized in the third row of Table 1 of the paper.

The file Generate_Data.m generates an example problem, where one can see how we name the variables that define the convex maximization problem (n, m, K, J, A, b, D, d). This is how we construct instances of the convex maximization problem.

The numerical experiments of the paper (Section 4.5) summarize the results of 13 problems whose generation are explained in Appendix G.5. The exact problem data are available in the corresponding sub-folders of this folder. For example, data of Problem #9 of the paper can be found under the folder P9 with the name P9.mat. The upper and lower bound results given by our approximation scheme are also available with the names UB solution.mat and LB solution.mat, respectively.

For a given convex maximization instance, the file approximate.m solves the upper and lower bound approximation problems as proposed in Theorem 3 and equations (26)-(28), and derived explicitly in Appendix D.3. of the paper. The file takes an input problem_index. Setting this to, e.g., "P9", will load P9/P9.mat and return upper and lower bound approximation results (including the lower bound scenarios). One can also generate a new instance by modifying Generate_Data.m and approximate that problem by loading it in the beginning of approximate.m.

Details of approximate.m: To obtain an upper bound it solves the linear optimization problem described in the third row of Table 2 of the paper. Lower bound scenarios are obtained by using the upper bound solution as summarized in the third row of Table 3, and these scenarios are used to generate candidate lower bound solutions x_bar. The upper bound value and solution are saved as UB solution.mat, and the lower bound value, scenarios, and solutions are saved as LB solution.mat.

Extra: The MATLAB function global_opt_solver.m is provided, which gives an example implementation of using the global optimization solvers to solve this problem directly.

Final Notes

The following scripts are also available upon request:

  • Implementation of an alternative algorithm to solve the upper bound problem, i.e., The Adversarial Approach, which is useful when the perspective function is hard to optimize in the UB problem
  • Implementation of the FME algorithm to eliminate the adjustable variables in the equivalent ARO problem of the convex maximization problem
  • The global optimization benchmark scripts (i.e., using global optimization solvers to attempt solving the convex maximization problem directly)
  • A branch and bound algorithm where convex maximization over a polyhedron is consecutively being split into smaller regions and our upper/lower bound approximations are applied on each split
  • Vertex enumeration in small polyhedra to find the global optimal values

Thank You

Thank you for your interest in our work. If you found this work useful in your research and/or applications, please star this repository and cite:

  title={Convex maximization via adjustable robust optimization},
  author={Selvi, Aras and Ben-Tal, Aharon and Brekelmans, Ruud and den Hertog, Dick},
  journal={INFORMS Journal on Computing},

Please contact Aras ([email protected]) if you encounter any issues using the scripts. For any other comment or question, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Aras Selvi ([email protected])

Aharon Ben-Tal ([email protected])

Ruud Brekelmans ([email protected])

Dick den Hertog ([email protected])


Data and codes of the paper "Convex Maximization via Adjustable Robust Optimization"







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