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Awesome custom widgets made for QT Desktop Applications. Simplify your UI development process. These widgets can be used in QT Designer then imported to PySide code.
Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3.
Btk akademi üniversite öğrencileri için python eğitimi içerikleri
C ve Sistem Programcıları Derneği Kurs Notları (Yazanlar: Kaan Aslan & Sebahat Ersoy)
Sandbox of scripts and tests programming the Tello Drone in Python
youngsoul / DroneBlocks-Tello-Camera-With-Python-OpenCV
Forked from dbaldwin/DroneBlocks-Tello-Camera-With-Python-OpenCVTake photos and record videos with Tello's camera using a browser-based app and DroneBlocks
A DroneBlocks course on drone programming with Tello using Python scripts
The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
A Python/OpenCV car speed detector
YOLOv3 implementation in TensorFlow 2.3.1
serdarozer10611 / DJITelloPy
Forked from damiafuentes/DJITelloPyDJI Tello drone python interface using the official Tello SDK. Feel free to contribute!
Linear Regression from scratch
A discord bot on Heroku using JDA and Spring Boot.
A Graphical User Interface for Ryze Tello EDU with AI (SSD-DNN) object detection and tracking
Tello drone object tracking using object detection (YOLO) and reinforcement learning (DDPG)
Estimate the speed of the car using OpenCV and Python
In this tutorial, you will learn how to detect the speed of a car using Python OpenCV library and some basic mathematical calculations. In the area of traffic management, checking the speed of a ve…
Scripts that allow the NAO Humanoid Robot to classify various objects via a camera image processing and convolutional neural network
An application that is written in Python and using PyQT & OpenCV. Its purpose is to control a remote system (such as a Raspberry Pi) via network and read its camera and stream it.
Codes from this repo can be used to stream videos over a networks with python.
A python library to simulate 2D camera networks
Simple code in python using openCV and Socket for live video stream from Raspberry Pi Camera
Stream video on a local network. Uses Flask and Opencv
Giriş Seviyesinden İleri Seviyeye Kadar Python ile Görüntü İşleme.. Nesne Tespiti, Nesne Takibi, Yüz Tespiti, Göz Algılama ve Göz Hareketleri Takibi, Beden Tespiti, El Hareketlerini Anlamlandırma, …
The main objective of this project is to identify overspeed vehicles, using Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms. After acquisition of series of images from the video, trucks are detected …
DJI Tello drone python interface using the official Tello SDK. Feel free to contribute!