This react native applications reminds you to take your medications on time!
Thoughts about ReactNative I worked some little react native project previously. I think react native has a future but there are still some serious issues they have to fix. for example; When you working in a really big application you often have to have lots of dependency. As a developer when you depend on lots of dependency while develop an application it is not a good thing. Becuase sometimes it is hard to find where and which dependency is broken! In point of view as a native mobile developer, It is also some issues which I didn't like it and they are like push or popuping navigation controller. It is not easy to understand who is not familiar with react native. I stuggled to change built-in components like I wanted to change back button color and hide tabbar while presenting new view controller etc. There is also another feature which I didn't like it is "conditional rendering" I wanted to change button name according to boolean value "isTaken" and then I had to write really weird condition syntax. I just didn't like it I prefer to use traditional if condition.
I talked about some negative thoughts about react native but it is time to talk about good features! I think javascript and swift (kotlin in a way) are will be most widely used languages in the future. Because of that I think ReactNative has a brilliant future for mobile development! I really liked some of react native future like Hot reloding, Chrome developer tools, Debugging native code and their comunity of course!
From point of view as a 5 years experienced native mobile developer. I prefer to work with Swift and Java or Kotlin to develop application. These days it is easier to prototype applications using Swift and Java. But I never thightly stick with this idea as a mobile lover, I always try to new technologies and I did better learn and dive deep into react native in this challange. I will keep developing this application for educational purpose. I'm going to keep forward!
/assets You can find necessary iu images on this folder.
/common This folder contains commonly used UI components for entire application.
/screens This folder contains screens of appliation.
/screens This folder contains screens of appliation.
/view This folder contains specific view of corresponded screen.
Assuming that you have Node installed (if it is not please navigate to url and download installer and install node in your OS), you can use npm to install the create-react-native-app command line utility:
npm install -g create-react-native-app
after that you need to install some dependencies, I recommend installing Node and Watchman using Homebrew. Run the following commands in a Terminal after installing Homebrew:
brew install node
brew install watchman
If you have already installed Node on your system, make sure it is version 4 or newer. Watchman is a tool by Facebook for watching changes in the filesystem. It is highly recommended you install it for better performance.
The React Native CLI Node comes with npm, which lets you install the React Native command line interface. Run the following command in a Terminal:
npm install -g react-native-cli
If you get an error like Cannot find module 'npmlog', try installing npm directly: curl -0 -L | sudo sh.
I just developed this application on iOS device. So, I kindly recommend you to test this application on iOS simulator. If React Native already installed you can simply run;
npm install // this will install all of your dependency
react-native start
after that;
react-native run-ios
I don't have strong knowladge about react-native but I did everything that I could. I'm just a newbie but if you have encounter any problem please visit react native offical page.