Simple markdown previewer for neovim
This plugin is in it's alpha stage and may go through breaking changes.
If you are using presets
then you should stop using them. Presets are going to get reworked in the coming updates so to prevent things from accidentally breaking please refrain for using them.
Highlights now use PascalCase
so it is recommended to change your highlight group names to PascalCase. But don't worry, the previous names using Markview_
are still supported!
- Fully customisable markdown
. - Custom
block quotes
with support forcallouts
. - Custom
code blocks
with different style supports. - Statusline-like
horizontal rules
customisation. - Custom
andimage links
. - Custom
inline codes
. - Padded list items(with nested list support).
- Custom
for different checkbox states. - Fully customisable
- Neovim version: 0.10 or higher(unless API changes occurred).
for easy installation of treesitter parsers.markdown
treesitter parsers.nvim-web-devicons
for the icons.
For plugins.lua
or lazy.lua
ft = "markdown",
dependencies = {
-- You may not need this if you don't lazy load
-- Or if the parsers are in your $RUNTIMEPATH
For plugins/markview.lua
return {
ft = "markdown",
dependencies = {
-- You may not need this if you don't lazy load
-- Or if the parsers are in your $RUNTIMEPATH
local MiniDeps = require("mini.deps");
source = "OXY2DEV/markview.nvim",
depends = {
-- You may not need this if you don't lazy load
-- Or if the parsers are in your $RUNTIMEPATH
The installation process for any other plugin manager(s) is the same.
If your plugin manager doesn't support dependencies
then you can always load the plugins in the right order.
Plug "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter"
Plug "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"
Plug "OXY2DEV/markview.nvim"
This plugin does not use setup()
to initialize. So, it is completely optional to call it.
Configuration table for the setup()
function is given below.
buf_ignore = { "nofile" },
modes = { "n", "no" },
options = {
on_enable = {},
on_disable = {}
block_quotes = {},
checkboxes = {},
code_blocks = {},
headings = {},
horizontal_rules = {},
inline_codes = {},
links = {},
list_items = {},
tables = {}
For customisation related options check the wiki pages.
Commands are a test feature.
There is only a single command for now, :Markview
When called without any arguments, it toggles the plugin.
Possible subcommands are,
, toggles the pluginenableAll
, enables the plugindisableAll
, disables the plugintoggle
, toggles the plugin for the specified buffer(default is the current buffer)enable
, enables the plugin for the specified buffer(default is the current buffer)disable
, disables the plugin for the specified buffer(default is the current buffer)
Screenshots on a phone are very blurry(Yes, the plugin was made on my phone).
If you have screenshots of the plugin, you can submit them in the special issue. And yes, credit will be provided.
Taken by @scottmckendry