Servo Bot Automation Framework is the leading framework for building bots and automation flows. It allows developers to use visual architecture, open code and reusable AI.
Click to watch a short intro video:
- install nodejs (v8 and higher) and npm (v5.5 and above)
- clone and install:
- sudo npm install -g gulp bower concurrently
- git clone
- cd servo-platform/server
- optional:
** Windows: npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
** Linux: sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev - npm install
- cd ../editor
- npm install
- bower install
If you get errors during npm install, then: * on windows: npm install --global --production windows-build-tools * linux: sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
From server folder:
npm start
On Chrome browser open localhost:8000.
Please note: Servo comes with a couple of tutorial projects, that will connect to NLU engine.
To get started, see the wiki:
For reference documentation, see
- cd server
- jsdoc ./ -r -c ./jsdoc-config.json -d ../docs -t ./ink-docstrap/template -R ./
- npm run cpdoc
Servo uses two apps, one for the server and one for the editor. npm start will run them both on the same terminal. you can, however, run them in two separate terminals:
- cd server && node app.js
- cd editor && gulp serve
- install couchbase
- restore from release-proc/couchbase-buckets
- change db entry at src/server/config.json to 'couchdb'
- install mongodb
- change db entry at src/server/config.json to 'mongo'
get a new domain
Install a certificate
all certificates should be put under a server/certificates/ folder, with following names: **cert.pem **chain.pem **privkey.pem
change entries at server/config.json:
"serverBaseDomain": "<domain>", "openSSL": true,