Based on tensorrt v8.0+, deploy detection, pose, segment, tracking of YOLO11 with C++ and python api.
Software licensing, copy protection in C++. It has few dependencies and it's cross-platform.
C++ implementation of the Coherent Point Drift point set registration algorithm.
OpenStereo: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Stereo Matching and Strong Baseline
Train and evaluate an Action Chunking Transformer (ACT) to perform cooperative robot manipulation tasks
A lightweight, easy-to-use, and efficient library for processing and rendering 3D data (C++ & Python)
This is an official PyTorch implementation for "MuSc : Zero-Shot Industrial Anomaly Classification and Segmentation with Mutual Scoring of the Unlabeled Images" (MuSc ICLR2024).
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。
Automated, hardware-independent Hand-Eye Calibration
Python tools to perform time-synchronization and hand-eye calibration.
🕷️ SpiderMatch: 3D Shape Matching with Global Optimality and Geometric Consistency
An implementation ofr Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithmn for 3D Bin Packing Problem.
3D bin packing solutions with layers and superitems, for Artificial Intelligence in Industry class at UNIBO
Object detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection:
Training materials associated with NVIDIA's CUDA Training Series (
This repo share our packing tools to provide research convenience for beginners, which includes packing shape processing, rendering tools, and simulation scenarios.
Packing irregular objects with deep reinforcement learning.
This repository contains the implementation of paper Online 3D Bin Packing with Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Code implementation of "Learning Efficient Online 3D Bin Packing on Packing Configuration Trees". We propose to enhance the practical applicability of online 3D Bin Packing Problem (BPP) via learni…
PyTorch code and models for the DINOv2 self-supervised learning method.
SuperPoint and SuperGlue with TensorRT. Deploy with C++.
Related papers and codes for vision-based robotic grasping
COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
Interactive code for image similarity using SIFT algorithm
SLMaster is a relatively complete open-source Structured Light 3D camera software. You can use it to complete a series of operations including calibration, stripe encoding, 3D reconstruction, and p…
C++ implementation of a ScienceDirect paper "An accelerating cpu-based correlation-based image alignment for real-time automatic optical inspection"