My vim configuration changes overtime. After watching a Luke Smith's video about polluting your home directory with hidden folders or files, I decided to move NVim/Vim configuration to ~/.config/vim
. In this way you get a cleaner and tidy home.
There are some vars that should be modified before starting the installation.
" Create the path for holding the swp files
set backupdir=~/.vimswp
set directory=~/.vimswp
" Set your path
let $GOPATH = ""
Before installing any vim plugins, install Plug.
$ cd ~/.config/vim
$ curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
call plug#begin("~/.config/vim/plug") // Plugins call plug#end()
Open vim and run :PlugInstall.
This requires to install nodejs/npm
. This requires
│ Current Node.js version v12.22.9 < 14.14.0
Install neovim extensions
$ npm install neovim`
$ pip install pyx
$ cd ~/.config/vim/plug/coc.nvim
$ npm install
$ cd /home/sgm/.config/vim/plug/LanguageClient-neovim
$ ./
This plugin is a must for Go development.
Once you have the environment, open a Vim session and run the command :GoInstallBinaries, this fetches some tools to your $GOPATH.
From vim run:
From the shell is required to install LanguageServer
to have completion. Go to bundle/LangueClient-neovim
and run