A Real Time Chat Application built using Node.js, Express, Mongoose, Socket.io, Passport, crypto with an Android interface built using Android Studio.
- Installation
- Getting Started with the Application
- Deploying the Android Application
- How to use the Application
- How it Works
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed.
- Install and get started with MongoDB using https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/
- Clone or Download the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Kodery8/NotsApp.git
$ cd NotsApp
$ cd ChatApp
- Install Dependencies
$ npm install
- Start the application
$ npm start
Your admin app should now be running on localhost:3020.
- Create a super admin in mongo shell
- Login to the webportallocalhost:3020 with the created Super Admin credentials.
- Create Departments and assign Admins to these departments.
- Install and get started with Android Studio using https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
- Open the application source code in Android Studio.
- Change the IP address the application will connect to, to the IP address your server will run on.
- Connect a phone with debugging mode enabled to your system and install the app in the phone using Android Studio.
- Resgister/Login to the app.
- Login with your credentials.
- Explore the various features of the application like sessions invites, session accept/decline.
- Create broadcasts, view your profile, etc.
- Uses socket.io for real-time and seamless transmission of texts and files.
- Uses AES Encryption for messages.
- Uses SHA512 Hashing techniques for passwords to render anyone unable to ever figure it out.