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Configuration instructions & Installation instructions:

Please make sure mongodb is installed and mongod is runnig.

you can install npm package.json dependencies

npm install (in package directory, no arguments):

Install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder.

In global mode (ie, with -g or --global appended to the command), it installs the current package context (ie, the current working directory) as a global package.

By default, npm install will install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json.

Run the application from the command prompet. 

Change the directory to the project location.

 Type node app.js to run the application.
 Hit port 3000 on the browser to see the site.

Operating instructions: 

Sign in by typing username, a password and an email. 

This account will be saved in database if no user account exists in the database with the same name.
Now, you can successfuly sign in and create a to-do task wich will be add in the list below the inputs with an X sign to be able to delete it.

Known bugs :

- there is no sign out :)

- Date and time should be together as a user control; a user cannot add the time without the date or the date witout the time.

- Date and time of task should not be before today's date and time. cannot creat a past task

Contact information for the programmer :

Name : Shahd Salama
Email : [email protected]


This is my first node js application







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