The code base of empathetic dialogue generation
the dataloader can automatically read Facebook empathetic data
Assume empathetic data is at last file level:
Then at anywhere of python file, call:
textdata = Dataloader('fb')
Then, the data is loaded to the instance textdata
There are 5 data structures in the textdata
1, The train, valid, test data is stored in textdata.dataset
is a list, each element is a 5-element tuple:
(context_id, sentence_id, emotion_id, raw_context, raw_sentence)
is a list of integers, each of them is a word index. context here means the previous k
sentences in the dialogue.
is a list of word indexes, which is the current utterance
is the emotion's id
raw_context, raw_sentence
are the original words of the context and sentence
2, textdata.word2index
is a mapping between vocabulary to index,
index = textdata.word2index['hello']
3, textdata.index2word
word = textdata.index2word[23]
4, textdata.emotion2index
5, textdata.index2emotion
Similar to above
For example, if embedding is in Glove format:
word d1 d2 d3 ... d100
all split with blank ' '
Then use
textdata = Dataloader('fb', embfile = '../glove.6B.50d.txt')
stores the path to the embedding file