Snippod-Starter-Demo-App-Server is a server part of snippod-starter demo application. A Snippod-Starter-Demo-App is a 'Full Stack Single Page Application' for the starter who want to be a web application developer.
This repository code is based on Django and django REST Framework.
We made this using these technologies.
Preliminaries :
- Python 3.6
- virtualenv (optional)
You have to git clone this repository.
git clone
virtualenv venv --python=python3.6
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations && python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
Django Rest framework provide browserble API. So you can see all get json by browserble API address too.
- account list: '~/api/v1/accounts/'
- post list: '~/api/v1/posts/'
- post list sorted by upvote count: '~/api/v1/posts/?sorting=upvotes'
- comment list: '~/api/v1/comments/'
- single account, post or comment like this '~/api/v1/posts/:postId/'
- user's posts or comments like this '~/api/v1/user/:userId/posts/'
Contributions, questions and comments are all welcome and encouraged.
Copyright 2018, Snippod Inc.