The goal of this project is to create a 3D face reconstruction software that could generate 3D face model from a 2D face image. Those 3D model faces can be used in further projects for animation, game development and AI projects.
- - video preview
Make sure to install these libraries before running the software.
- Dlib - Face detection.
- OpenCV 3.0 - Implemented for image manipulation and texture creation.
When finished with installing libraries, proceed to the project folder and run the shell command:
g++ -std=c++11 -o 1p 1p.cpp -llapack -lblas -ldlib -lgif pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs
to compile the file 1p.cpp
To run the program, type the command:
./1p [Image_file]
it will export the 3D face model, enjoy!