Barks and Rec is a role-based user app that facilitates communication about the adoption process between an animal rescue or shelter and its potential adopters.
Adopter users can submit an application to adopt, and track its status. Adopters can learn more about the dogs that are up for adoption and can favorite dogs they have an eye on.
The rescue admin users can add, edit, and view adoptable dog profiles. Admins can view registered adopters, and review their applications for adoption approval based on a task list generated by each application submission. Once an admin completes a task, the corresponding adopter's application status is updated accordingly.
- Users are authenticated and authorized according to role level using JSON web tokens, local storage, and bcrypt
- Utilizes React frontend framework along with Redux and React Router
- Rails REST API backend
- Implements ActionCable/WebSocket channels for user notifications
- Integrates the Semantic React UI library for a streamlined minimalist design.
- Custom graphics designed in Adobe Photoshop
- React/Redux
- JavaScript
- Ruby on Rails API
- Semantic React UI
- HTML5 and CSS
Please find the repo for the backend at Barks-and-Rec-API. You'll first need to follow the instructions on the README for the API in order to spin up the server, establish a JWT secret, and seed some starter dogs and admin client. Note: the API calls require you to start the Rails server on port 3001 to communicate with the front end rails s -p 3001
Clone down this repo and after you have the backend cloned and the server running, install the associated dependencies with either npm install
Then you can start running the program with npm start
- moment
- react-actioncable-provider: ihollander/react-actioncable-provider*
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- redux
- react-redux
- redux-thunk
- semantic-ui-react
*react-actioncable-provider has a bug that makes it unsubscribe any time the parent component rerenders, use fixed version until PR is merged: npm uninstall --save react-actioncable-provider && npm install --save ihollander/react-actioncable-provider