Tags: shanghen2/impress.js
Remove CHANGELOG.md as it was no longer up to date. For release notes, see Github release page: https://github.com/impress/impress.js/releases For absolutely every detail, see Github commits page (or `git log`) https://github.com/impress/impress.js/commits/master Fixes impress#574
Merge pull request impress#643 from impress/dev 1.0.0-beta1: Merge 2 years worth of work from dev to master! Highlights * New plugin based architecture allows adding more features without bloating core src/impress.js file * Source files are in src/ and compiled into js/impress.js with npm run build. End users should continue to use js/impress.js as before. * 19 new plugins * Integrates impressConsole.js by default (press 'P' to open speaker console) * Markdown support for those that are too much in a hurry to type HTML * 5 new demo presentations under examples/ show case the new features * Removes the code that prevented impress.js from running on mobile phones