(This project is a part of my Udacity Nanodegree course project: The skeleton for the project is in this repo. :
- This project has CI / CD enabled via GitHub Actions and Heroku
- Start and run FastAPI app and send get/post requests: main app script: starter/main.py
cd starter
python uvicorn main:app --reload
To send a POST request open another command window: starter/infer_post_request.py
cd starter
python infer_post_request.py
- Note: before sending requests to Live API, make sure the heroku app is deployed and
is live
To send a POST request to live API: infer_live_post_request.py
python infer_live_post_request.py
cd starter
python starter/train_model.py
python starter/train_model_on_slices.py
- Dataset: starter/data/
- Model: starter/model/
- Screenshots: starter/screenshots/
- Logs: starter/logs/slice_output.txt
- API test script: starter/test_main.py
- Model test script: starter/starter/ml/test_model.py
cd starter