These are the source files of the articles published on and its subdomains.
Copyright Gabor Szabo except where the =author field explicitly shows someone else. Translations are copyright the translator (mentioned in the =translator field of each file) and Gabor Szabo.
The format has evolved from POD, HTML and Docbook. It is now a mess. I know. I'll have to clean that up.
The overview:
In the header there are
=key value
pairs of meta information. Currently the order is important, but I (Gabor) can check it and rearrange it before publication. So don't worry about the order.
The text between
=abstract start
=abstract end
is displayed on the front pages and is included in the RSS/Atom feed.
is used for internal titles.
stands for highlight and usually code-snippets inside the text are marked with these.
is usde to mark other imporant pieces.
Code snippets are wrapped in
<code lang="perl">
(both article writers and translators, please read option 2 here: and add the site to the list of where you contribute. Add an 128x128 image of you to the img/ folder and an entry for yourself in the authors.txt file of your language.
There is an invitation only, but publicly archived mailing list for the the people who would like to contribute to the Perl Maven site. A couple of ways to contribute:
- translate an article to a language
- proofreading in any language (including English)
- promote the articles in one or more languages
- site design
- site code (once it becomes open source)
- write original content for the English site
The mailing list can be found here:
If you'd like to participate, please contact Gabor.
Each language has a subdirectory in the sites/ folder.
Initial language codes were a bit random, but we will try to stick to the way Wikipedia describes:
English en (the 'original' files)
Simplified Chinese cn
Traditional Chinese tw
Esperanto eo
French fr
German de
Hebrew he
Indonesian id
Italian it
Korean ko
Nepali ne
Portuguese (Brazilian) br (sorry Bretons)
Romaninan ro
Russian ru
Spanish es
Telugu te
The file names (that become the URLs) should be in LOCAL_LANGUAGE, but use only ASCII characters. Transliterated to English. (I am not sure in this. Maybe a better thing would be to use LOCAL_LANGUAGE in the URLs?) .
The file names should more-or-less match the title of the page, they can contain words separated with dashes.
Please add the header to each file (the meta information) including the planned publication date
The links in the page should be working. If there is already a translation for the target page then link there, if it only exists in English, then please use full URLs including the hostname .
Please update the hidden(!) section of the to include the links to the entries.
The text listing the author and the translator are added by the system and are driven from the header tags =author and =translator.
Each author and translator has to have an entry in the authors.txt file listing a nickname (\w characters only), The full name, the name of the image file containing their picture, link to their G+ profiles.
Each author and translator needs to provide a picture in jpg or png format approximately 128x128 pixel size (an Avatar) to be shown at the bottom of each article.
Each author and translator should set up authorship by linking their Google+ profile to the site. (e.g. for the Brazilian Porguguese translators) See
The translation process:
The translator creates a new file in the sites/CC/drafts folder.
When s/he has finished the translations
- if s/he wants to publish the article ASAP then: adds the link to the translation in the file in the open part, and moves the translated file to the sites/CC/pages folder. and updates the =timestamp in the translated file to the current date/time.
- if s/he wants to let Gabor schedule the publication then: adds the link to the translation in the file in a commented part, and moves the translated file to the sites/CC/done folder.
Push to your repository and send a pull request.
Gabor will periodically merge the pull requests and push the source to the live site. He will try to check for html issues, but cannot check the correctness of the translations. He can easily see which translations are ready (in the done/ folder) and he can move them one-by-one to the sites/CC/pages/ directory, enable the entry in the file, update the =timestam and publish the new article. Then he can include the article(s) in the mail sent to the subscribers of the Perl 5 Maven site.
We use as the commenting system. The English version is moderated by Gabor. If you'd like to enable comments on your language, and if you are willing to moderate it then please create an account on and tell Gabor about it.
Moderation requires that you follow all the comments that arrive to the site and see if they need any attention. Spams are usually filtered by Disqus, but a few can slip through and there can be an occassional false positive, something that is marked as spam but it isn't really. The moderator also has to make sure that the comments stay civil and not hesitate to remove irrelevant or offending comments.
- Sign up to Github, configure Git on your computer (name, email)
- Fork the repository and clone the fork to your computer
- Check on what sould be the hostname for the language and talk to Gabor about this.
- cp -r skeleton sites/CC (where CC is the hostname selected)
- translate the first page sites/en/pages/ as sites/CC/done/ or as sites/CC/done/ as is acceptable in other sites in your language.
- Add =original and =translator entries to the translated file
- Add yourself to the sites/CC/authors.txt file and add a picture of yourself to the sites/CC/img/ folder.
- Update sites/CC/pages/ to include the page in the commented-out section.
- push your changes to your forked repository and send a pull request
When articles are published they are posted to Google+, Twitter and sometimes even to Facebook. They are also posted on LinkedIN.
An e-mail is sent out to the people who registered on the Perl 5 Maven site.
Many of the articles are included the Perl Weekly newsletter.
Once in a while I post a link to Reddit ( ) but I'd rather see others post there if they find the article worth the mention. The same with Hacker News:
The translators also need to take on themselves a large part of the promotion in the language communities. Both in the Perl community - to get help from others - and to the general public.
This can be by posting on the language sub-Reddit (e.g. on )
Sharing the articles on Google+, Twitter and Facebook should be almost automatic.
Getting the RSS feed of the site to be included in some local 'planets'.
"Get links from trusted sources" ~ Jon Morrow
The best promotion is if people find it worth to mention one of the articles in a blog post or in some other form.
There is good and free book about Git called Git Pro
Install Git on you desktop configure username and password generate ssh key:
Create a Github account, let's say your username is USERNAME: Upload the ssh key to your account On Github 'fork' the repository It will create another repository
clone it to your desktop: $ git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/
It will create a directory called inside all the source files. There should be one called sites/CC (where CC is your language code based on this list: more or less). If there is no such directory ask Gabor to create one.
Initially you will need to know about $ git add filename $ git commit -m "message" $ git push
And on Github there is a button to "Send Pull request" that will notify me to look at what you pushed, but of course I am also available by e-mail and GTalk.
To follow the changes in the central repository and keep your own fork up-to-date, do the following:
In your working copy do this once:
$ git remote add upstream git://
Then every time you'd like to sync:
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/main