How many of the nine-digit permutations of 123456789 can be represented by 4 digits and two arithmetic symbols?
For example, 9*14^7 = 948721536.
GPT-4 provided the following solution after a few rounds:
import itertools
def get_combinations(n):
if n == 0:
return [[]]
combinations = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for combo in get_combinations(n - i):
combinations.append([i] + combo)
return combinations
def get_integer_combinations(combination):
return itertools.product(*[range(10 ** p) for p in combination])
def get_operator_combinations(combination):
ops = ['+', '-', '*', '**']
for r in range(len(combination)):
for op_comb in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(ops, r):
if op_comb.count('**') <= 1: # Limit '**' to only once
for perm in itertools.permutations(op_comb):
yield perm
def is_permutation_of_9876543210(number):
str_num = str(number)
return sorted(str_num) == sorted('9876543210') or sorted(str_num) == sorted('987654321')
combinations = get_combinations(4)
for combination in combinations:
for integers in get_integer_combinations(combination):
for operators in get_operator_combinations(combination):
expression = ''
for i in range(len(integers)):
expression += str(integers[i])
if i < len(operators):
if operators[i] == '**':
expression += '**'
expression += ' ' + operators[i] + ' '
result = eval(expression)
if is_permutation_of_9876543210(result):
print(f'{expression} = {result}')
except Exception: