K-mer counting and clustering for biological sequence analysis
is an R package for rapidly computing distance matrices and
clustering large sequence datasets using fast alignment-free k-mer counting and
recursive k-means partitioning.
To download kmer
from CRAN and load the package, run
To download the development version from GitHub, first ensure a C/C++ compliler is available and the devtools R package is installed. Linux users will generally have a compiler installed by default; however Windows users may need to download Rtools and Mac OSX users will need Xcode (note that these are not R packages). To download and install devtools, run
The kmer
package can then be installed and loaded by running
An overview of the package and it's functions can be found by running
To view the tutorial, you can either run
or access it directly from CRAN.
If you experience a problem using this package please feel free to raise it as an issue on GitHub. Any feedback is appreciated.
This software was developed at Victoria University of Wellington with funding from a Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship award from the Royal Society of New Zealand.