Python-programming-exercises Public
Forked from zhiwehu/Python-programming-exercises100+ Python challenging programming exercises
UpdatedDec 8, 2016 -
editor Public
Forked from lepture/editorA markdown editor. still on development.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 24, 2015 -
shadowsocks-1 Public
Forked from ylqfp/shadowsocksbackup of https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 22, 2015 -
awesome-remote-job Public
Forked from lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-jobA curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
UpdatedAug 20, 2015 -
what-happens-when-zh_CN Public
Forked from skyline75489/what-happens-when-zh_CNWhat-happens-when 的中文翻译,原仓库 https://github.com/alex/what-happens-when
UpdatedJun 3, 2015 -
js-assessment Public
Forked from rmurphey/js-assessmentA test-driven approach to assessing JS skills
JavaScript UpdatedJun 2, 2015 -
front-end-collect Public
Forked from jikeytang/front-end-collect分享自己长期关注的前端开发相关的优秀网站、博客、以及活跃开发者
JavaScript UpdatedMay 29, 2015 -
shadowsocks Public
Forked from shadowsocks/shadowsocksA fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2015 -
pythonblog Public
I'm a green hand of python world.This
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 12, 2015 -
python-guide Public
Forked from realpython/python-guidePython best practices guidebook, written for Humans.
Shell Other UpdatedMar 20, 2015 -
fuck12306 Public
Forked from andelf/fuck1230612306 图片验证码识别测试
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2015 -
frontend-guidelines Public
Forked from bendc/frontend-guidelinesSome HTML, CSS and JS best practices.
UpdatedMar 2, 2015 -
gitimmersion Public
Forked from xuxiaodong/gitimmersionA guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git
CSS UpdatedApr 18, 2014 -
laravel-4.1-quick-start-cn Public
Forked from 5-say/laravel-4.1-quick-start-cn这是一个 laravel-4.1 的完整包,常用的源码已经补充中文注释,方便大家快速的开始学习和体验 laravel 框架。(内荐学习资料)
awesome-php Public
Forked from ziadoz/awesome-phpA curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
UpdatedMar 23, 2014 -
htmljs Public
Forked from chinatjnet/htmljs前端乱炖博客的repo。http://www.html-js.com
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 7, 2014 -
vim_tutorials Public
Forked from howiehu/vim_tutorialsMy favorite Vim tutorials.
UpdatedJan 27, 2014 -
kissy Public
Forked from kissyteam/kissyA Powerful Javascript Framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2013 -
bootstrap-sass Public
Forked from twbs/bootstrap-sassOfficial port of Bootstrap to Sass, ready to roll.
Ruby Other UpdatedDec 24, 2013 -
qiniu-php-sdk Public
Forked from crossmaya/qiniu-php-sdk七牛的php-sdk简化版,官方提供的sdk太渣。
PHP UpdatedNov 3, 2013 -
ng-newsletter-beginner-series Public
Forked from auser/ng-newsletter-beginner-seriesThe official repository of the beginner series tutorial on ng-newsletter.com
UpdatedAug 20, 2013 -
Ghost Public
Forked from roadt/GhostA simple bulletin board with Symfony2 and Bootstrap
PHP UpdatedMay 31, 2013 -
ResponsiveSlides.js Public
Forked from arielsalminen/ResponsiveSlides.jsSimple & lightweight responsive slider plugin (in 1kb)
JavaScript UpdatedApr 30, 2013 -
Metro-UI-CSS Public
Forked from olton/metrouiCSS styles for build Windows 8 Metro UI stylable interface
PHP Other UpdatedOct 28, 2012 -
Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions Public
Forked from h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-QuestionsA list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
UpdatedOct 21, 2012