This is the official PHP client library for the TinyCert REST API.
This project requires PHP version 5.3 or greater with the cURL extension.
The source code is documented using the PHPDoc standard.
This is a brief example enumerating details of Certification Authorities and certificates in your account. Error checking is omitted for simplicity's sake:
require_once ('');
//Initiate a connection
$tc = new TinyCert ('MySuperSecretApiKey');
$tc->connect ('[email protected]', 'My Secret Passphrase');
//Iterate over all CA's in the account
$ca_list = $tc->ca_list ();
foreach ($ca_list as $ca)
//Request CA details and dump to output
$ca_details = $tc->ca_details ($ca ['id']);
print_r ($ca_details);
//Iterate over all certificates for this CA
$cert_list = $tc->cert_list ($ca ['id'], TinyCert::STATUS_ALL);
foreach ($cert_list as $cert)
//Request certificate details and dump to output
$cert_details = $tc->cert_details ($cert ['id']);
print_r ($cert_details);
//Clean up nicely
$tc->disconnect ();
This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Steven Don /
This is free software, licensed under the Simplified BSD license.