Quickly set your status (and do-not-disturb settings) from Alfred
You will need one of the following:
- A legacy slack token (they no longer generate these, but you might have one still on your account)
- A user token from a slack app you have created (see below section on this)
Set that token in as the SLACK_TOKEN
workflow variable
Type ss
and space to activate the workflow. You can quickly use the lunch shortcut by typing ssl
If you don't have a legacy token lying around, you can create a slack app to generate a user token for you
- Creat the app: https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1
- Add the User Token Scopes:
https://api.slack.com/apps/[your app id goes here]/oauth
- You'll need to add
- You'll need to add
- Click the 'Install to Workplace' button at the top of the page
- Copy the token in the box labeled 'User OAuth Token'