DA-Portfolio Projects with Python, SQL and Tableau Build From Scratch
Project 1. Revenue & Profit Dashboard with Excel, Also combing data from Multiple sheets using VLOOKUP.
Revenue & Profit Dashboard with Excel - Download Workbook here: https://github.com/sheddyranking/DA-Portforlio-Projects/blob/main/Revenue%20%26%20%20Profit%20Dashboard-Excel.xlsx
combing data from Multiple sheets using VLOOKUP - Downnload Worksheet here: https://github.com/sheddyranking/DA-Portforlio-Projects/blob/main/Vlookups.xlsx
When importing Excel Workbook Data into the Microsoft SQL Studio, Open the SQL Import and Export Wizard Directly Else you will hit an Error.
Red error lines on SQL temp tables:
You need to rebuild your IntelliSense cache, The SSMS keyboard shortcut for this is
Alternatively, you can go to Edit → IntelliSense → Refresh Local Cache.
Use the
Function to Rename a Column DataType
The common table expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. You can also use a CTE in a CREATE a view, as part of the view's SELECT query.
IF the Number of Columns in the CTE is different from the Reference Statement it's gonna give an Error.
's can be used to Store Exploratory Data into Tables for Data Visualizations
The Visual Consist:
Global Numbering
Total Deaths Per Continent
Avergae Percentage Population Infected per country (Selected)
Percentage Population Infected Per Country On a Map.
When ever Excel Columns Generate NULL Values when Imported into SSMS, save the worksheet as .CSV and import as a flat file from task when reviewing the data, uncheck the DataTypes indicator.
When Splitting an Address the
Function is more preferable toSUBSTRINGS