Create the following pages in flutter:
Available Experts Page (do this page within lib/pages/available_experts_page.dart):
Call Tracker Page (do this page within lib/pages/available_experts_page.dart):
Also edit lib/pages/components/sub_menu.dart, lib/pages/components/top_menu.dart so that they appear as shown here on both the avaialble experts and call tracker pages:
Next, edit the lib/utils/formatting/app_theme.dart file if necessary with any color changes so we can keep those consistent across the whole app.
Finally, edit the lib/utils/global_bloc.dart file so the filter works. I have added sample data in the lib/utils/sample_data.dart file so you can test how everything is working. My models for available experts and call trackers can also be found in lib/utils/models. Make sure this sample data flows through global_bloc through the expertsList and callsList variables.