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Tags: sheigel/CleanLegacyCode



Toggle 22's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted IBookOverviewView interface; Modified BookOver…

…view to instantiate BookOverviewPresenter inside its constructor; Modified BookOverviewPresenter to use IBookOverviewView instead of the concrete view; Modified unit tests to run against BookOverviewPresenter; Removed System.Web.dll reference from unit tests project; Removed BookOverviewSpy from unit tests


Toggle 22CO's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted IBookOverviewView interface; Modified BookOver…

…view to instantiate BookOverviewPresenter inside its constructor; Modified BookOverviewPresenter to use IBookOverviewView instead of the concrete view; Modified unit tests to run against BookOverviewPresenter; Removed System.Web.dll reference from unit tests project; Removed BookOverviewSpy from unit tests


Toggle 21's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted BookOverview.DisplayFilteredBooks, BookOvervie…

…w.FilterBooks, BookOverview.DisplayBooks methods into BookOverviewPresenter class


Toggle 21CO's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted BookOverview.DisplayFilteredBooks, BookOvervie…

…w.FilterBooks, BookOverview.DisplayBooks methods into BookOverviewPresenter class


Toggle 20's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted GetPublisherId and GetBookCollection to BookRe…

…pository and injected IBookRepository into BookOverview; Modified unit tests to reflect this design change


Toggle 20CO's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted GetPublisherId and GetBookCollection to BookRe…

…pository and injected IBookRepository into BookOverview; Modified unit tests to reflect this design change


Toggle 19's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted BookOverview.FilterBooks and BookOverviewl.Dis…

…playBooks methods; moved BookOverview methods according to their roles


Toggle 19CO's commit message
Refactoring: Extracted BookOverview.FilterBooks and BookOverviewl.Dis…

…playBooks methods; moved BookOverview methods according to their roles


Toggle 18's commit message
PublisherUnknown 1st passing test for filtering by Publisher.Unknown …

…and Publisher.Classification bug


Toggle 18CO's commit message
PublisherUnknown 1st passing test for filtering by Publisher.Unknown …

…and Publisher.Classification bug