Langchain-Chatchat Public
Forked from chatchat-space/Langchain-ChatchatLangchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 4, 2023 -
FinGPT Public template
Forked from AI4Finance-Foundation/FinGPTData-Centric FinGPT. Open-source for open finance! Revolutionize 🔥 We'll soon release the trained model.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJun 19, 2023 -
Rust Public
Forked from TheAlgorithms/RustAll Algorithms implemented in Rust
Rust MIT License UpdatedApr 11, 2023 -
jest-puppeteer Public
Forked from argos-ci/jest-puppeteerRun tests using Jest & Puppeteer 🎪✨
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedApr 2, 2023 -
rust-snippets Public
Forked from hhatto/rust-snippetscode snippets for Rust
Rust UpdatedFeb 22, 2023 -
ChatGPT Public
Forked from acheong08/ChatGPTLightweight package for interacting with ChatGPT's API by OpenAI. Uses reverse engineered official API.
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
web-tracing Public
Forked from M-cheng-web/web-tracing前端 - 埋点, 性能采集, 异常采集, 请求采集, 路由采集
JavaScript UpdatedJan 21, 2022 -
tfjs-vis Public
Forked from tensorflow/tfjs-visA set of utilities for in browser visualization with TensorFlow.js
TypeScript UpdatedAug 20, 2019 -
minipack Public
Forked from ronami/minipack📦 A simplified example of a modern module bundler written in JavaScript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 8, 2018 -
ta-lib Public
Forked from TA-Lib/ta-lib-pythonPython wrapper for TA-Lib (http://ta-lib.org/).
awesome-nodejs Public
Forked from sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs⚡ Delightful Node.js packages and resources
UpdatedMar 20, 2018 -
webtorrent Public
Forked from webtorrent/webtorrent⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2018 -
Node.js-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition Public
Forked from Eternaldream/Node.js-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition《Node.js Design Patterns Second Edition》读书笔记连载
UpdatedMar 11, 2018 -
home-assistant Public
Forked from home-assistant/core🏡 Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3
Python Other UpdatedMar 7, 2018 -
iscroll Public
Forked from cubiq/iscrollSmooth scrolling for the web
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 25, 2017 -
tushare Public
Forked from waditu/tushareTuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
pytorch Public
Forked from pytorch/pytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
ML-From-Scratch Public
Forked from eriklindernoren/ML-From-ScratchBare bones Python implementations of Machine Learning models and algorithms. Aims to cover everything from Data Mining techniques to Deep Learning.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2017 -
medis Public
Forked from luin/medisMedis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2017 -
d3.v4-API-Translation Public
Forked from tianxuzhang/d3.v4-API-TranslationD3.js 4.x 中文手册
UpdatedJun 22, 2017 -
caffe Public
Forked from BVLC/caffeCaffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
C++ Other UpdatedMay 15, 2017 -
melonJS Public
Forked from melonjs/melonJSa fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
CSS MIT License UpdatedJan 27, 2017 -