Facing big data avalanche, automated tools are required in substitute some manual processing routines. And the Package of Seismic Field Work(PSFW), aims to save those who are struggling with seimic data processing.
PSFW is not a single program, but a set of independent programs, built in the Unix programming philosophy.
PSFW involves works of other, some of which are revised slightly under their license.
Two categories of tools are: 1. binary, 2.script. 'binary' provides users precise configuration, while 'script' for easy usage.
Transform date format and time shiftDTime
Calculate time interval given two time pointsGCDis
Calculate great circle distance and directionspDis
Calculate spherical distance from a point to a lineRpKmean
K mean clustingclusterRPBaz
Clusting accroding to RayParameter and BackAzimuthNRootStack
N-root stackingpl_derfmod
Generate vp/vs model and deviations for GMT plotSelectEq_ISC
Select earthquake events from ISC cataloguecut4Ev
Customized time series cut given database and reference time interval
Complete event info into sac headercmpltSac4St.sh
Complete station info into sac headerpkSt.sh
Select StationsrpCluster.py
Clustering accroding to RayParameter and BackAzimuthSH_Ref2Segy.sh
Batch transforming reftek format data to segysSH_Segy2Sac.sh
Batch transforming segy format data to sac formatpkEv.sh
A shell to cut4Ev, for customized data cuttingrcvfn.sh
Batch distilling receiver functionsSH_SortSegy.sh
Sort segy format dataSH_SortSac.sh
Sort sac format data