#World countries in JSON, CSV and XML.
This repository contains lists of world countries in JSON, CSV and XML. Each line contains the country:
- name
- top-level domain (
) - code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (
) - code ISO 3166-1 numeric (
) - code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (
) - currency code(s) (
) - calling code(s) (
) - capital city (
) - alternative spellings (
) - relevance
- region
- subregion
Multiple values are separated by a comma.
To understand the usefulness of the relevance parameter, please read this:
- http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2011/11/10/redesigning-the-country-selector/
- http://baymard.com/labs/country-selector
##Examples #####JSON
"subregion":"Western Europe"
"subregion":"Western Africa"
United Arab Emirates;.ae;AE;784;ARE;AED;971;Abu Dhabi;AE,UAE;0;Asia;Western Asia
United Kingdom;.uk;GB;826;GBR;GBP;44;London;GB,Great Britain,England,UK,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland;2.5;Europe;Northern Europe
United States;.us;US;840;USA;USD,USN,USS;1;Washington D.C.;US,USA,United States of America;3.5;Americas;Northern America
United States Minor Outlying Islands;.us;UM;581;UMI;USD;;;UM;0;Americas;Northern America
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<country name="Afghanistan" tld=".af" cca2="AF" ccn3="4" cca3="AFG" currency="AFN" calling-code="93" capital="Kabul" alt-spellings="AF,Afġānistān" relevance="0" region="Asia" subregion="Southern Asia"/>
<country name="Åland Islands" tld=".ax" cca2="AX" ccn3="248" cca3="ALA" currency="EUR" calling-code="358" capital="Mariehamn" alt-spellings="AX,Aaland,Aland" relevance="0.5" region="Europe" subregion="Northern Europe"/>
<country name="Albania" tld=".al" cca2="AL" ccn3="8" cca3="ALB" currency="ALL" calling-code="355" capital="Tirana" alt-spellings="AL,Shqipëri,Shqipëria,Shqipnia" relevance="0" region="Europe" subregion="Southern Europe"/>
<country name="Algeria" tld=".dz" cca2="DZ" ccn3="12" cca3="DZA" currency="DZD" calling-code="213" capital="Algiers" alt-spellings="DZ,al-Jazā'ir" relevance="0" region="Africa" subregion="Northern Africa"/>
- add the country official language(s)
- add the country native name (written in its native language)
- add the official name of the country in english and in its native language
- add more alternative spellings/names
- rename
- have only one data source (master file) from which we can generate other formats (see #12)
- add the type of the country (country, sovereign state, public body, territory, etc.)
- add the land borders
- add regions, provinces and cities
Wikipedia for country name, TLD, ISO codes and alternative spellings
http://www.currency-iso.org/ for currency codes
Alternative spellings and relevance are inspired by https://github.com/JamieAppleseed/selectToAutocomplete
Region and subregion are taken from https://github.com/hexorx/countries
Thanks to:
- @Glazz for his help with country calling codes.
- @hexorx for his work (https://github.com/hexorx/countries)
- @frederik-jacques for the capital cities
- all the contributors: https://github.com/mledoze/countries/graphs/contributors
This dataset is made available under the Open Database License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/
Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/