tektoncd/cli#1409 | [Pradeep Kumar] update readme cli version to v0.19.1 | 2021/06/30-15:54
tektoncd/cli#1410 | [laminar] Fix CLI installation instructions for deb-based distros | 2021/07/05-10:15
tektoncd/cli#1393 | [vinamra28] Get tekton components version from configmap | 2021/07/07-09:09
tektoncd/cli#1411 | [vinamra28] Bump pipelines v0.25.0, triggers 0.14.2 and hub | 2021/07/07-12:05
tektoncd/cli#1415 | [Vincent Demeester] Force cancel when using tkn pipelinerun cancel 👼 | 2021/07/09-09:48
tektoncd/cli#1408 | [Anshul Verma] resloves issue/1395 | 2021/07/09-10:12
tektoncd/cli#1385 | [Nikhil Thomas] Fix TaskRun order in `tkn pr logs` | 2021/07/13-06:13