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Order Matching system based SpringBoot, Redis, Websocket, EventBus, MySQL

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Order Matching Trading System

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ForTheBadge built-with-love

Ask Me Anything ! Open Source? Yes! contributions welcome

GitHub @Alex Chen  · 


What is Matching Orders?

If one investor wants to buy a quantity of stock and another wants to sell the same quantity at the same price, their orders match and a transaction is made.

Generally, a buy order and a sell order are compatible if the maximum price of the buy order matches or exceeds the minimum price of the sell order.

Algorithm for Matching Orders

I adopted FIFO algorithm (price-time-quantity priority based) - the earliest active buy order at the highest price takes priority over any subsequent order at that price, which in turn takes priority over any active buy order at a lower price.


OrderId Direction	Price		Time	Quantity

1		  Sell			100			1			50  
2		  Sell			90			1			60  
3		  Buy			91			3			80

For the buyer's order 3, we first match the price 91 >= 90 (lowest now), and quantity 80 >= 60. The seller 2 managed to sell all the stocks in hand. But the price 91 < 100, the order 3 will not match order 1. The status after matching will be

OrderId Direction	Price		Time	Quantity

1		  Sell			100			1			50  
3		  Buy			91			3			20


Sell Stock

Order Today

Order History



          | 1 - place order
  |               |  
  |  API Gateway  |
  |               |             
          | 2
  |               |      3      +--------------------+           6
  | Order Service +------------->   orders queue     +----------------------+
  |               |             +---------+----------+                      |
  +---------------+                       |                                 |
          | 4                             |5                                |
          |                               |                                 |
     +----v-----+                         |                                 |
     |          |               +---------v----------+            +---------v----------+
     | Database |          7    |                    |   8        |                    |
     |          <---------------+  Trading Service   +------------>  Trading Service   |
     +----------+               |  (order+matching)  |            |  (order+matching)  |
                                |                    |            |      Standby       |
                                |                    |            |                    |
                                +--------------------+            +--------------------+
                                 Outside Stock Market

User Interface

Based on Vue.js

  • Implmented

    • User Login / Logout
    • Password Setting
    • Nav Bar
    • Side Bar
    • Banking
    • Orders
    • Transactions
    • Buy / Sell
  • Libs & Tools

    • Electron: Build cross-platform desktop App with JavaScript
    • Element UI: Common UI elements
    • Vue Bus: Component communication

Order Service

Based on Spring Core + Spring Boot + Spring Cloud

  • DB - Sqlite (For simplility + Fast Development)

  • Redis + Docker (Caching)

    • docker run --name redis-lab -p 6379:6379 -d redis
  • Uuid Generation

    • Twitter snowflake
     64 bit in total ==> long in Java
     * 1 bit - sign bit (0 - positive, 1 - negative)
     * 41 bit - timestamp diff (current timestamp - start timestamp)
     * 10 bit - 5 for data center id + 5 for machine(worker) id
     * 12 bit - seq id in a milisecond unit ( 2 ^ 12 = 4096 ids in a ms)
      		- Seq id increase along with time
      		- No duplicate id globally
      		- Can generate a large number of ids per unit time
  • Invert Index

    • Fast Form Auto completion for Stock Symbol
  • Logic

					                                |----------- Stock Market Info
Matching System ------------->------------------<------------ Order Status Info
						publish		                  consume								
									Vertx Event Bus


Reactor Pattern

          | 1 - place order
  |               |  
  |  Acceptor     |
  | NIOEventLoop  |
  |               |             
          | 2
  |               |-----------------> Read  
  |      I/O      |
  |  NIOEventLoop |-----------------> Decode / Compute / Encode
  |               |
  |               |-----------------> Write

Server: decode, handle datagram

Clent: generate datagram, send out datagram

Raft Queue

  • Queue cluster:

    • Fetch orders from Gateway
    • Sort orders by timestamp, price placed, quantity
    • Broadcast orders to matching system
  • Why Raft

    • High Avaiblility - self-healing
  • How to multicast to downstream

    • Vert.x datagram socket sends UDP packets

    • Why UDP: no connection overhead

    • How to solve package loss - use packet number to identify sequence.

      • if SeqNo > lastSeqNo + 1, packet dropped, downstream asks for resend.
      • of SeqNo < lastSeqNo + 1, packet duplicate, discard current packet/

Matching Engine

  • Core Logic
For each sine stock:
	Map<Price, PriorityQueue<Order>> sell
	Map<Price, PriorityQueue<Order>> buy

Case 1 - A buy order comes in
Get the queue<Order> with lowest price >= buy price
Poll out the first Order
	- If Partial Order of Buy, put buy order into buy queue
	- If Partial Order of Sell, put back sell order
	- If Buy order has taken all first sell order, poll out the second order, repeat...

Case 2 - A sell order comes in
Get the queue<Order> with highest price <= sell price
Poll out the first Order
	- If Partial Order of Sell, put sell order into sell queue
	- If Partial Order of Buy, put back buy order
	- If Sell order has taken all first buy order, poll out the second order, repeat...

  • Ring Buffer
          | Order
  |               |
  |               |
  |  Ring Buffer  |<----------- Consumer -----------> Order Service (Counter)
  |               |            (Pre-Check, Matching, Publish Matching to outside Stock Market)
  |               |
  |               |


Order Matching system based SpringBoot, Redis, Websocket, EventBus, MySQL






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