Clone the repository
cd gretel
Start the server
php gretel
Run on a different port
php gretel --port=4000
This will start a php server in your machine.
Adding routes is simple!
You can add routes in app/routes.php file. Your web routes should be added in $web array. ($API routes are not implemented yet). $routes array is in key value pairs as key you can enter the path (route) and as the value you should add your controller and the method name.
$web = [
'/' => [\App\Controllers\WelcomeController::class, 'index'],
When you visit your domain (localhost:8000) you will be running index function WelcomeContoller. You can add any amount of routes.
You can use view function to load php files as views in your web app. Including passing variables as well. Views must added in app/Views directory. You can load views by the file name as shown below.
public function index($request){
$name = "Hakuna Matata!!";
$this->view('index', array('name' => $name));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<p><?php echo $name ?></p>
Awesome! You continue building the application. The project is under development and new stuff will be added soon. Feel free to contribute.