This repository provides the code for SHAPE: a Sample-adaptive Hierarchical Predication Network for Medication Recommendation
For a fair comparision, we use the same data and pre-processing scripts used in COGNet
Please put the data into the data folder
- records_final.pkl
- voc_final.pkl
- ehr_adj_final.pkl
- ddi_A_final.pkl
- ddi_mask_H.pkl
Please create the conda environment through yaml file
conda env create -f environment.yml
Please note that we trained our code on the Linux platform.
we put the best model checkpoint in the save_model folder
Please contact [email protected] for help or submit an issue.
Please cite SHAPE: A Sample-Adaptive Hierarchical Prediction Network for Medication Recommendation
title={SHAPE: A Sample-adaptive Hierarchical Prediction Network for Medication Recommendation},
author={Liu, Sicen and Wang, Xiaolong and Du, Jingcheng and Hou, Yongshuai and Zhao, Xianbing and Xu, Hui and Wang, Hui and Xiang, Yang and Tang, Buzhou},
journal={IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics},