It's a guide for building a self-contained version of AMG2023 on your host. For best results, it is highly recommended to build in a clean environment, such as within a Docker container.
docker run -it --name ubuntu-amg ubuntu:22.04 /bin/bash
apt-get update
apt-get install git wget build-essential python3 python3-pip vim libpmix-dev meson gperf libcap-dev pkg-config libmount-dev
pip3 install jinja2
mkdir /workspace
cd /workspace
git clone
cd /workspace
gunzip -c openmpi-5.0.1.tar.gz | tar xf -
mkdir openmpi-5.0.1-install
# Disable unneeded features to make your life easier
cd openmpi-5.0.1/
./configure --prefix=/workspace/openmpi-5.0.1-install --without-memory-manager --disable-dlopen --enable-static --disable-shared --with-psm2=no --with-psm=no --with-ofi=no --without-verbs --without-rdmacm --without-libnuma
make -j32 all
make -j32 install
cd /workspace/openmpi-5.0.1-install/bin
cp mpic++ /usr/local/bin/
cp mpicc /usr/local/bin/
cd /workspace/AMG2023-self-contained/hypre-2.30.0/src
./configure --with-openmp
make install
cd /workspace/
apt download libudev-dev
dpkg-deb -x libudev-dev_249.11-0ubuntu3.12_arm64.deb libudev-dev
cd libudev-dev/
# Normally you can see there is only shared libary (.so files). Debian upstream ends up not providing any static libraries due to the large resulting static files and no demand from users.
# Therefore you need to compile a static library by yourself. Note that libudev is now part of systemd
cd /workspace/AMG2023-self-contained/systemd-stable-249-stable/
./configure --auto-features=disabled --default-library=static -D standalone-binaries=true -D static-libsystemd=true -D static-libudev=true -D link-udev-shared=false -D link-systemctl-shared=false -D link-networkd-shared=false -D link-timesyncd-shared=false
find ./ -name "libudev*"
cp ./build/libudev.a /usr/local/lib/
cd /workspace/AMG2023-self-contained/AMG2023-main-4dad15c/
# show the detailed commmands
# Once successfully compiled, verify if the executable is static.
ldd amg
# If it shows `not a dynamic executable`, it is static.
# Run amg
# If compilation failed, follow the below instructions
# Compilation may fail on your first execution of `make`. To resolve this, understand the commands in detail and reorganize the library order as needed. Note that the order of libraries is crucial for static linking.
make -n
mpic++ -static -pthread amg.o -o amg -lopen-pal -lpmix -lhwloc -ludev -lz -ldl -lltdl -lrt -lc -lgcc /workspace/AMG2023-self-contained/hypre-2.30.0/src/hypre/lib/libHYPRE.a -luuid -levent -lutil -lnuma -lm -lrt --showme
# reorganize the order of library
g++ -static -pthread amg.o -o amg -lopen-pal -lpmix -lhwloc -ludev -lz -ldl -lltdl -lrt -lc -lgcc /workspace/AMG2023-self-contained/hypre-2.30.0/src/hypre/lib/libHYPRE.a -luuid -levent -lutil -lnuma -lm -lrt -I/workspace/openmpi-5.0.1-install/include -L/workspace/openmpi-5.0.1-install/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/workspace/openmpi-5.0.1-install/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi -lopen-pal -lpmix -lz -lm -levent_core -levent_pthreads -lhwloc -lz -levent_core -levent_pthreads -lhwloc -ludev -lrt
docker cp ubuntu-amg:/workspace/AMG2023-self-contained/AMG2023-main-4dad15c/amg /home/user/
# run