- Redwood City, Ca
- http://brandonleonardo.com
hugo-sustain Public
Forked from suyundukov/hugo-sustain🦁 Personal blog theme built with Bootstrap, powered by Hugo.
HTML MIT License UpdatedJun 28, 2021 -
zhong Public
Forked from nickelser/zhongReliable, distributed cron.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2016 -
blazer Public
Forked from ankane/blazerBusiness intelligence made simple
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 25, 2016 -
slack-spoilers Public
Forked from indspenceable/slack-spoilersApp that allows you to post hidden spoiler messages to slack
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 8, 2016 -
searchkick_old Public
Forked from ankane/searchkickIntelligent search made easy
google-go-lang-idea-plugin Public
Forked from go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-pluginGoogle Go language IDE built using the Intellij Platform. Released both an integrated IDE and as a standalone Intellij IDEA plugin
Java UpdatedNov 9, 2013 -
chartkick Public
Forked from ankane/chartkickCreate beautiful Javascript charts with one line of Ruby
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 20, 2013 -
JSON-js Public
Forked from douglascrockford/JSON-jsJSON in JavaScript
JavaScript UpdatedOct 8, 2012 -
store.js Public
Forked from marcuswestin/store.jslocalStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
JavaScript UpdatedSep 17, 2012 -
backbone-bindings Public
Forked from amccloud/backbone-bindingsBi-directional bindings between Backbone.View elements and Backbone.Model attributes.
jquery-ujs Public
Forked from rails/jquery-ujsRuby on Rails unobtrusive scripting adapter for jQuery
analytical Public
Forked from jkrall/analyticalGem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
jQuery-Placeholder Public
Forked from akirk/jQuery-PlaceholderA plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder support for legacy browsers
JavaScript UpdatedNov 5, 2011 -
spine Public
Forked from spine/spineLightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications
tanker Public
Forked from kidpollo/tankerIndexTank Integration with your fav ORM
jquery.clockwinder Public
Forked from ryanbrubaker/jquery.clockwinderAutomatically update relative times with this simple jQuery plugin.
backbone Public
Forked from jashkenas/backboneGive your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
pycon2011 Public
Forked from github/pycon2011Fork me to win a ticket to PyCon 2011!
1 UpdatedFeb 21, 2011 -
slug_bug Public
A rails plugin for generating Quora style url slugs.
acts_as_commentable_with_threading Public
Forked from elight/acts_as_commentable_with_threadingSimilar to acts_as_commentable; however, utilizes awesome_nested_set to provide threaded comments