Team Member:
brew update brew install postgresql
start the service
brew services start postgresql@15
Creat user, and
createuser --superuser postgres
login with user
psql -U postgres
Set up schema
CREATE DATABASE bitcoin_explorer;
\c bitcoin_explorer
CREATE TABLE transactions ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, txid VARCHAR(64) UNIQUE, block_height INT, fee BIGINT, -- Add more fields as needed created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP );
Check created schema by
, should look like this:Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+---------------------+----------+---------- public | transactions | table | postgres public | transactions_id_seq | sequence | postgres (2 rows)
- Install dep by
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- check ver, by
rustc --version
- Install
brew install bitcoin
- go to and set the user info conf (create this file if not existed):
nano ~/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
- type below into bitcoin.conf file
server=1 rpcuser=myrpcuser rpcpassword=myrpcpassword rpcallowip= rpcport=8332
- Start the deamon by
bitcoind -daemon
- To stop, run
bitcoin-cli stop
orbitcoin-cli -rpcuser=myrpcuser -rpcpassword=myrpcpassword stop
To visualize the data, you need to setup the Grafana host locally. First time setup:
Install Grafana
brew install grafana
Start Grafana service
brew services start grafana
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000. The default login is admin/admin.
Add PostgreSQL as a Data Source: Go to Configuration > Data Sources. Click Add data source and select PostgreSQL. Fill in the connection details: Host: localhost:5432 Database: bitcoin_explorer User: postgres Password: 1234 SSL Mode: Disable (if your PostgreSQL setup does not use SSL) Click Save & Test to verify the connection.
Create Dashboards with two panel, run below two queies for each panel
- Panel for Block Height:
SELECT created_at AS time, block_height FROM block_heights ORDER BY created_at;
- Panel for Transaction Fees:
SELECT created_at AS time, fee FROM transactions ORDER BY created_at;
Preq: Finish section 1.1 first
- At root directory,
cd RustClientAdapter
bitcoind -daemon
brew services start postgresql@15
psql -U postgres
- Start a new terminal
cargo run
brew services start grafana
- go to http://localhost:3000/login
- Login with credentials (username: Admin, password is ABC123 or something you choosed)