An experimental music visualizer using d3.js and the web audio api.
express middleware for browserify, done right
A self-contained JavaScript wiki for the browser, Node.js, AWS Lambda etc.
OpenSIPS is a GPL implementation of a multi-functionality SIP Server that targets to deliver a high-level technical solution (performance, security and quality) to be used in professional SIP serve…
A super duper CouchDB driver for node and the browser.
shimaore / coffeecup
Forked from gradus/coffeecupkeeping the project alive with this clone of mauricemach/coffeekup
Express 3.x Layout & Partial support. [With added support for concurrent Express processes. Nothing specific to zappajs, really.]
Mirror of Yate svn repo (trunk-only) + local changes in branches
shimaore / screenshot-app
Forked from visionmedia/screenshot-appwebsite screenshot service & app - powered by node.js, express, redis, node-canvas, phantomjs and more
shimaore / zappajs
Forked from mauricemach/zappaThis is not the repository you are looking for.
keeping the project alive with this clone of mauricemach/coffeekup
Express 3.x Layout & Partial support.
website screenshot service & app - powered by node.js, express, redis, node-canvas, phantomjs and more
Node.js client and server for FreeSwitch Event Socket