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Shinyoung You, Zoey Lee
A01411168, A01405148
shinyoungyou, ZoeyLee66
Hello Chris!
Required Element | module (line) |
immutable data structures | prepare_event(53) |
mutable data structures | data (122) |
exceptions and exception handling | common (16) |
minimised scope | common (16) |
atomic, independent, reusable functions | common (4) |
flat code | game (201) |
comprehensions | board (42) |
selection using if-statements | prepare (139) |
repetition with for/while-loop | store (41) |
membership operator | gym (354) |
range function | board (68) |
a function from itertools | board (42) |
random module | event_option (40) |
function annotations | event_pokemon_attack (65) |
doctest/unit tests (see pdf) | 21 / 53 |
f-strings, format(), or old formatting | store (54) |