Successful Implementation of Soft Actor Critic with openloop to induce action values to generate gait
start with openloop_walker package
- It contains all the reinforcement learning scripts and stable models
- 9m and 8m models in final_models folder in this package are the most stable ones
About models
- model is based on stable baselines3 and is a true pytorch model
- model arch --> pi = [128, 128, 128, 128] & q = [128, 128, 128, 128]
- model size is approx 3 mb
- model has a replaybuffer.pkl
observation space
- dims: numpy array of size 30
- f > front, r > rear, r > right, l > left, s > shoulder, e > elbow, w > wrist ( for reference below)
- body_x_vel, body_y_vel,
- roll, pitch, roll_rate, pitch_rate
- currnet_fls_pos, currnet_fle_pos, currnet_flw_pos
- currnet_frs_pos, currnet_fre_pos, currnet_frw_pos
- currnet_rls_pos, currnet_rle_pos, currnet_rlw_pos
- currnet_rrs_pos, currnet_rre_pos, currnet_rrw_pos
- currnet_fls_vel, currnet_fle_vel, currnet_flw_vel
- currnet_frs_vel, currnet_fre_vel, currnet_frw_vel
- currnet_rls_vel, currnet_rle_vel, currnet_rlw_vel
- currnet_rrs_vel, currnet_rre_vel, currnet_rrw_vel
action space
- action_dims numpy array of size 12 for 12 motors
- action_high -> 0.2 for every motor
- action_low -> -0.2 for every motor
- fls_pos, fle_pos, flw_pos
- frs_pos, fre_pos, frw_pos
- rls_pos, rle_pos, rlw_pos
- rrs_pos, rre_pos, rrw_pos
- openloop generates walking gate at any given time t and then we add model generated action values to the generated gate. Final values are sent to simulation to train.
reward function
- 1.0 x forward reward (current_x / target_postion)*5
- 2.0 x drift_reward = -abs(current_base_position_y)
- 0.005 x shake_reward
- 0.0005 x energy_consumption_reward
Training Scripts
- use for training SAC model
- arch of the model is defined there itself
Testing script
- is our testing script
- use deterministic = False flag in model.predict