- Pro
A Platform for Secure Analytics and Machine Learning
NetBricks: A new network function framework based on Rust.
NEXT is a machine learning system that runs in the cloud and makes it easy to develop, evaluate, and apply active learning in the real-world. Ask better questions. Get better results. Faster. Autom…
A RESTful web service that runs microtasks across multiple crowds, provides quality control techniques, and is easily extensible.
Repository for data science course Spring 14
mesos / spark-ec2
Forked from shivaram/spark-ec2[NOTE: Repository has moved to github.com/amplab/spark-ec2]
Benchmark for measuring PBS overhead in Cassandra
pbailis / cassandra-pbs
Forked from apache/cassandraOld Probabilistically Bounded Staleness (PBS) analysis for Cassandra (see http://www.bailis.org/blog/using-pbs-in-cassandra-1.2.0/)
shivaram / spark
Forked from mesos/sparkScala framework for iterative and interactive cluster computing.
collected some fixes and make LDD3 samples build with up-to-date kernel
Lightning-fast cluster computing in Java, Scala and Python.
Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs,…