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A Vite plugin for sharing variables between Javascript and CSS (or Sass, Less, etc.)


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vite-plugin-css-export 🥰

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Export variables from CSS to JS, and support nested rules.

npm package node compatibility vite compatibility

This plugin allows you to use a pseudo-class called :export in CSS, and properties in this pseudo-class will be exported to JavaScript.

Besides that, with the help of Vite, we can use :export in .scss, .sass, .less, .styl and .stylus files.

How to use css pre-processors in Vite

Install ❤️

npm install vite-plugin-css-export -D


yarn add vite-plugin-css-export -D


pnpm add vite-plugin-css-export -D

Usage 💡

Quick Start

// vite.config.ts
import ViteCSSExportPlugin from 'vite-plugin-css-export'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [ViteCSSExportPlugin()]
/* example.css */
:root {
  --font-color: #333;

:export {
  fontColor: var(--font-color);
  fontSize: 14px;

:export button {
  bgColor: #462dd3;
  color: #fff;

:export menu menuItem {
  bgColor: #1d243a;
  color: #fff;
// if you use in Typescript. wildcard module declarations
// env.d.ts
/// <reference types="vite-plugin-css-export/client" />

// if you want IntelliSense
interface CSSPropertiesExportedData {
  fontColor: string
  fontSize: string
  button: {
    bgColor: string
    color: string
  menu: {
    menuItem: {
      bgColor: string
      color: string

Use the suffix ?export.

// main.ts
import cssResult from './assets/style/example.css?export'


// output
// {
//     fontColor: "var(--font-color)",
//     fontSize: "14px",
//     button: {
//         bgColor: "#462dd3",
//         color: "#fff"
//     },
//     menu: {
//         menuItem: {
//             bgColor: "#1d243a",
//             color: "#fff"
//         }
//     }
// }

CSS Pre-processor

If you are using CSS pre-processor then you can use nested rules.

// .scss
:root {
  --font-color: #333;

$menuItemBgColor: #1d243a;

:export {
  fontColor: var(--font-color);
  fontSize: 14px;
  button {
    bgcolor: #462dd3;
    color: #fff;
  menu {
    menuItem {
      bgcolor: $menuItemBgColor;
      color: #fff;

CSS Module

When used with CSS module, some simple configuration is required. By default, the exported results will not include CSS module related content (except what's in :export) .

// vite.config.ts
import ViteCSSExportPlugin from 'vite-plugin-css-export'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      cssModule: {
        isGlobalCSSModule: false,
        enableExportMerge: true, // default false
        sharedDataExportName: 'cssExportedData' // default 'sharedData'
// example.module.scss
:root {
  --font-color: #333;

$menuItemBgColor: #1d243a;

.base-button {
  background-color: transparent;

// alias for :export
:share {
  fontcolor: var(--font-color);
  fontsize: 14px;

  button {
    bgcolor: #462dd3;
    color: #fff;

  menu {
    menuItem {
      bgcolor: $menuItemBgColor;
      color: #fff;

:export {
  fontColor: var(--font-color);
  fontSize: 14px;
// main.ts
import cssModuleResult from './assets/style/example.module.scss?export'


// output
// {
//     cssExportedData: {
//         fontColor: "var(--font-color)",
//         fontSize: "14px",
//         button: {
//             bgColor: "#462dd3",
//             color: "#fff"
//         },
//         menu: {
//             menuItem: {
//                 bgColor: "#1d243a",
//                 color: "#fff"
//             }
//         }
//     },
//     fontColor: "var(--font-color)",
//     fontSize: "14px",
//     "base-button": "_base-button_1k9w3_5"
// }

// when enableExportMerge is false
// output
// {
//     fontColor: "var(--font-color)",
//     fontSize: "14px",
//     button: {
//         bgColor: "#462dd3",
//         color: "#fff"
//     },
//     menu: {
//         menuItem: {
//             bgColor: "#1d243a",
//             color: "#fff"
//         }
//     }
// }

Note ⚠

If the plugin is used with CSS module, please replace :export with :share to avoid unknown conflicts with :export provided by CSS module.

In fact you can still use :export, which won't cause a runtime error, :share is an alias for :export.

Please do not type the following characters in property names:

"/", "~", ">", "<", "[", "]", "(", ")", ".", "#", "@", ":", "*"

Because this plugin is applied after vite:css, all parsing actions are based on the result returned by vite:css. When you type the above characters, there are some characters that the plugin cannot give correct warning/error message, for example: @

// your code
:export {
  fontColor: var(--font-color);
  fontSize: 14px;

  button {
    bgcolor: #462dd3;
    color: #fff;

  @menu {
    menuItem {
      bgcolor: $menuItemBgColor;
      color: #fff;
/** after vite:css */
:export {
  fontColor: var(--font-color);
  fontSize: 14px;
:export button {
  bgColor: #462dd3;
  color: #fff;
/** unable to track the error @menu */
@menu {
  :export menuItem {
    bgColor: #1d243a;
    color: #fff;
// after vite:css-export
  fontColor: "var(--font-color)",
  fontSize: "14px",
  button: {
    bgColor: "#462dd3",
    color: "#fff"
  // menu is missing
  menuItem: {
    bgColor: "#1d243a",
    color: "#fff"


You may get some warnings from the editor or Stylelint, you can disable related rules.

VS Code

  "css.lint.unknownProperties": "ignore",
  "scss.lint.unknownProperties": "ignore",
  "less.lint.unknownProperties": "ignore"


  "rules": {
    "property-no-unknown": [
        "ignoreSelectors": [":export", ":share"]
    "property-case": null,
    "selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown": [
        "ignorePseudoClasses": ["export", "share"]
    "selector-type-no-unknown": [
        "ignore": ["default-namespace"]

Options ⚙️


  • type: (id: string) => boolean

  • default: undefined

  • description: This option allows you to additionally specify which style files should be transformed, not just ?export. Usage:

// vite.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      shouldTransform(id) {
        const include = path.resolve(
        return path.resolve(id).indexOf(include) > -1


  • type: (key: string) => string

  • default: undefined

  • description: The option allows you to define a method for transforming CSS property names, but doesn`t transform additionalData. The plugin has some built-in methods. Usage:

// vite.config.ts
import {
  default as ViteCSSExportPlugin,
} from 'vite-plugin-css-export'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      propertyNameTransformer: kebabCaseToUpperCamelCase


  • type: SharedCSSData

  • default: {}

  • description: The option allows you to append data to all processed results, we can share some common variables here.



  • type: boolean

  • default: false

  • description: Whether the CSS module is used globally, not just in the .module.[suffix] file.


  • type: boolean

  • default: false

  • description: When value is true, sharedData will be merged with the result of CSS module, otherwise only sharedData will be exported. It won't work when using ?inline

sharedData is the parsed result of the plugin.


  • type: string

  • default: 'sharedData'

  • description: When cssModule.enableExportMerge is true, modify the property name of sharedData in the merged result. It won't work when using ?inline